Sofa Mania Group Case Study

Principles of management Sofa Mania Group 8 Case application 1: Goodwill Industries International will industries international is a non-profit organization that uses surplus revenues to achieve its goals through planning to obtain more donations, organizing by preparing plans and deciding how and when to use them, leading by motivating employees and encouraging them to work hard and controlling by monitoring the progress of the organization, making corrections and being responsive to problems as they arise.

Cataracts is a for-profit organization, its primary goal is to earn profit for the owners f the company through planning, organizing leading and controlling organizational resources which lead to the achievement of the organization’s stated purposes concerning making money, unlike the Goodwill industries which it’s aim purpose is to provide a “hand up”, so the implications of the P-O-L-C framework on this organization is different relative to cataracts seeing the results after finishing the process of these four functions. / Goodwill: is an advocate of diversity is a provider of education and language training opportunities includes employees room all walks of life Provides employment opportunities for people with disabilities, lack of education, lack of Job experience… Provides special programs for people with criminal backgrounds Offer its employees comfortable decent addressing issues of stereotyping and discrimination 3/ hiring and training the diverse populations might result some problems like: waste of time, insufficient equipments, incompatible competence which might lead to some communication issues.

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