4 Ways Business Analysts Can Successfully Manage Meetings

Many people prefer to work with a business analyst one-on-one. Communicating in a closed setting is easier with just the two of you. It’s possible to solve an issue with one short phone call or email. Yes, spending individual time with a team member can be a beneficial method of problem-solving, but not always.

A meeting can provide similar or greater rewards but to more people in one setting. Or it could be a catastrophe. When you’re deciding whether to hold a group meeting, consider the pros and cons of the situation.

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The Benefits of Business Meetings

One positive association with business meetings is the chance for each member to express themselves. The meeting opens up a controlled dialogue amongst members to discuss issues, risks, worries, and benefits of projects.

You may uncover surprising developments by hearing the many different points of view. For example, managers might get insight into working conditions they hadn’t anticipated now that their employees have this medium to be heard. Because when each person feels heard, they can experience a boost of morale, which is much needed during difficult times.

But, on the other hand, business meetings aren’t the go-to solution for all business issues.

The Downsides of Business Meetings

You must see if the pros outweigh the cons before suggesting a business meeting.

The truth is, business meetings can be time-consuming. They can be 30 minutes or three hours! Even when you plan accordingly, meetings can run over time. And that results in productivity loss. All production and tasks have to be halted for the meeting. If all employees are on tight deadlines, it might not be the best time for a meeting.

If the meeting isn’t well organized, it could lead to chaos. Team members may find themselves overloaded with information and, as a result, become confused about objectives. Additionally, many people tend to shy away from voicing their concerns. This can negatively affect business productivity and results.

How To Ensure Business Meetings Are Successful

Luckily, the downsides can be overcome with careful and specific planning by the business analyst. Being aware of both the negatives and positives is the first step. Follow these other tips for effective business meetings.

1. Prepare Early

What is the purpose of the meeting?

This reasoning should be clear. It’s the only way to effectively plan a successful meeting. By knowing the objectives, it’s easier to reign in the participants if things get out of control. You can also quickly see who needs to participate and let them know the purpose of the meeting so they can prepare too.

2. Identify Communication

Every meeting should start with an agenda that clearly outlines the reason for the meeting. You can summarize the introduction or not, but be sure to include it so participants are on the right page from the start. You can also discuss how this meeting is going to go. For example, are you going to primarily ask questions and direct conversations? Or will there be several people presenting ideas and claims?

Again, this is necessary to get everyone on the same page. The introduction sets the tone for the rest of the meeting.

3. Keep Track

You called the meeting, so you must direct it. That means if things start to get off-topic, make a note. If the conversation can’t be wrapped up quickly, it should be the next topic of discussion for another meeting. It’s likely that everyone wants to get in and out of this meeting at the time you suggested during the introduction, so do your best to see to it.

4. End It

When the meeting concludes, wrap up everything nicely. That means ensuring all participants know their objectives and the deadline. You may also mention how there will be a follow-up email with all those involved CC’d. This can help people who are introverted and may be unsure to discuss problems with you one-on-one later.

Photo by Dane Deaner on Unsplash
