Yahoo Consumer Direct

This would be from the Minimal exposure to the ad to the shopping cart. This methodology Is called Consumer Direct. Research Design for Consumer Direct The research design for Consumer Direct was to partner with Concession to use their sample frame panel. This information provided demographic and lifestyle data that is necessary to track purchases in the home. Ins this information Consumer Direct was able to create the panel members and Internet activities where tracked.

These actively were then compared to a control group that were exposed to consumer-packaged-goods ads. A group for testing consisted of 2000 households and based on the effectiveness of ad targeting and the persuasiveness of the advertising. The test groups were given exposure to an ad and then have the exposure removed after a period of time. The control group was given exposure to different ads.

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Purchases from each group ere tracked and the results were compared and analyzed using analysis of covariance methodology.

Strengths and Weaknesses of the Research Design The biggest weakness of the research design is the lack of a structured form of the sampling plan. There is also indications that the researchers were unsure initially as to how the target groups would feel about having their internet purchases tracked. The biggest strength of the research design was the opt-in process, which allowed the participants could consent to allow the tracking of the website activity.

This opt- In option eliminated the appropriateness of tracking Web behavior without consent. Panels affected by the Research Design The use of the Concession panels expanded the research scope and allowed for collection of household purchase data globally. On the other side, the panel created questions into how the sampling actually represented the population of Yahoo consumers.

This sampling method is cost effective but does open the door to bias In the findings. However there was the use off control group which typically provides imprison data which allows for a more precise research control.

Ethical Issues Influenced by the Research Design The use of the opt-in procedure dealt highly with reducing the ethical dilemma typically posed by these types of studies. All panel members were well aware of the types information that would be gathered on them during the study. All the panel members that opted-in were not concerned with the information obtained.

The Information provided In the study could serve as marketing sites for Consumer Direct Yahoo had one goal.

To evaluate the effectiveness of banner ads from the initial exposure to the ad to the shopping cart. The methodology behind this is called Consumer Direct. This case study provided insight into the plan implemented by Yahoo and any positive, negative and ethical issues that may have presented themselves throughout the process.
