Dark Web Case Study

The project team is made up of roughly one dozen AU professors and graduate students.

At its initiation, the Dark N.B. was only able to collect and analyze Internet communications in English, Arabic, and Spanish. German and French were quickly added. Chinese, Fairs (spoken in Iran, Afghanistan, and Atkinson), Dutch, and other languages are also being added. AU received a $1.

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5 million grant to study how terrorists use the Internet to train their followers to build, plant, and explode improvised explosive devices (Deeds).

These deadly roadside bombs have killed and maimed thousands of people in Iraq and other countries. Our young soldiers, before they’re deployed, will know the Deeds through the enemies’ eyes,” said Hissings Chem., director of Aqua’s Artificial Lab, home of the Dark Web project. The ability to study this information and to know where it has been downloaded has led to countermeasures that protect soldiers and civilians.

Another research area is the identification of the kinds of individuals who are more susceptible to recruitment by extremist groups, and what messages are more effective in recruiting people.

A surprising discovery by the Dark Web project team is that the terrorist Web sites are much richer in multimedia content (audio and video) ND much more effective in creating an active community of frequent visitors than are U. S. Government Web sites. The Dark Web project team has also developed a technique called Written, which can be used to determine the author of anonymous postings and e-mail.

It does this by matching new anonymous postings to the lingual, structural, and semantic features in hundreds of thousands of online postings by known authors.

The accuracy rate is estimated to exceed 95 percent. Market researchers in many organizations are experimenting with the use of sentiment analysis to determine the attitude of a writer or speaker with respect to a retain subject. It is used in market research to evaluate how people feel about a new product or a Just-released movie. One approach to sentiment analysis is to separate objective (fact-based) from subjective (opinion based) sentences and to separate positive from negative comments.

In fighting cybernetics’s, Dark Web researchers apply it to find “emotions like hate and rage in an attempt to tease apart the social activists from the suicide bombers. ” Terrorism experts point out that terrorists are trained to maintain a wide separation between the political wing (recruiters, propagandists) and the action wing (bomb makers, murderers). Given this separation, it is likely that the Dark Web is collecting and analyzing the communications of the members of the political wings of terrorist groups.

Dark Web is not likely to come across the communications of the action wings, as these communications do not flow through the Internet (unless carefully encrypted) Thus, the Dark Web is not likely to intercept communications about planned terrorist actions. 1 .

To be able to collect and analyze Internet communications in English, Arabic, and Spanish, and other languages. 2. The ability to study this information and to know Inhere it has been downloaded has led to countermeasures that protect soldiers and civilians. . Another research area is the identification of the kinds of individuals No are more susceptible to recruitment by extremist groups, and what messages are more effective in recruiting people. 4.

It can help, if not eliminate, lessen the terrorist attacks. This technology can prevent them from spreading their propaganda and block them from recruitment of other citizens. 5. It can help organizations track their employees if ever they are anonymously posting or e-mailing data regarding the organization.
