Farrell & Dempsey Case study

Preoperative’ nursing refers to the patient throughout their entire ‘surgical experience’. That is, the pre-, intra-, and postoperative stages of the surgical procedure (Gilmore, 2005, p. 18; Statesman, 2011, p. 1). An important aspect of preoperative nursing is the provision of evidence-based care.

As such, there should be clear and accurate rationales underpinning the nursing interventions which are to be performed in a safe, efficient and cost effective way.

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Furthermore, it is vital for the preoperative nurse to have well developed skills and knowledge of a range of efferent nursing domains including human anatomy, surgical procedures and equipment, and techniques to deliver caring and comforting high quality care Statesman, 2011, up. 1-2). This essay will explore the different nursing aspects related to the care of a patient in the preoperative setting. The exploration will be framed Nothing the case study of Jane, a 45 year-old woman who sustained head injuries following fall. A CT scan revealed Jane had a large suburban hemostat and required emergency surgery.

In this response, Cane’s presenting pathologically, the retirement goals and priorities identified following comprehensive assessment will be discussed. Throughout the discussion, particular focus will be given to the nursing implications relevant to the varied roles and responsibilities of the different preoperative nurses involved in this specialty area. Acute suburban hemostat usually occurs after severe, high-impact head injuries such as motor vehicle accidents or falls. The pathologically of the suburban hemostat is the accumulation of blood between the durra and the brain, a space normally occupied by thin cushion of fluid.

The blood puts the brain under pressure, which can trigger a Med range of clinical signs and symptoms including changes in level of consciousness, papillary signs, and hemispheres (Farrell & Dempsey, 2011, p. 2004).

Coma, increasing blood pressure, decreasing heart rate, and slowing respiratory rate are all signs of a rapidly expanding mass requiring immediate admission to a hospital where surgery is required for removal and drainage of blood (Farrell & Dempsey, 2011, p. 2004; Ferreira-Hoffman & Krimmer, 2011, p. 865). Jane sustained serious head injury.

Her clinical presentation showed bleeding from her left ear and her right pupil was fixed and dilated. Cane’s neurological deterioration is primarily associated with acute brain swelling which raises interracial pressure (ICP).

In raised ICP, progressive dilation and loss of pupil reaction on one side will occur and respiratory function is compromised when pressure is placed on the brainstem’s respiratory centre. As a result, Jane was initiated at the scene by paramedics to secure her airway then transported to the hospital emergency department Barbiturate, 2005, up. 136-138; F-carry, scansion, & Robinson, 2006, p. 997).
