Case Study on Training & Development

Link is a leading pharmaceutical company which spends lavishly on developing their staff through training programmer. According to my study on this case we can clearly identify the issues which caused to create the current situation at care – link. It is required to concentrate on these Issues and take appropriate actions to overcome from the current situation at care link. Since Mr.

. Rave has failed to meet what he expected from the organized corporate trainings.

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Not only the huge of amount of money spent (since arranged local and International corporate training programmer are costly the efforts, the time and the expectation all meaningless wasted. With my analysis of the given care, I concluded the followings are the major causes of failure for corporate training at care link: Lacking of specific training objectives and plan The company had a specific objectives and plan for developing their staff. Case itself state that either Mr.

. Rave or the participants couldn’t find why they sent on various expensive training programmer.

Any Job without SMART objectives is concluding with failure, so are corporate training programmer. Mr.. Fernando fail having detail plan before any corporation training programmer are considered.

Absence of Training Need Analysis Certain managers consider the training subjects basing on their own perception. But mostly considered needs are different than the actual needs of their staff. (To a certain extent, this may be correct. ) However, in absence of need analysis to Identify the needs to best suit the requirement before its Implementation has caused Issues at Care link.

Training Manager lacking of related professional knowledge In an organization Training and Development plays major role. Trailing Manager Is the key person to set the trainings In line with organizational corporate objectives.

The given case Itself says that Mr.. Fernando had over 10 years experience In pharmaceuticals and It has not stated that he had any training experience or knowledge. Organizing Training is a long process which required lot of skills and knowledge. It is not just allocating an external or internal training programmer to employees.

Training manager needs to follow the training cycle according to the requirements of organizations, departmental and individual. If he success by doing it systematically, teen as a team organization can experience investment. Lacking of programmer evaluation ten return on The most challenging task for the training professionals is to prove to the top management how effective their training initiatives have been, in order to achieving goals. In the given case also created since the training manager failed to prove how effective was his training initiatives to the organization.

Evaluating the effectiveness of a corporate training programmer through post-course studies is the key to evaluate the effectiveness of their training programmer.

Mostly evaluation studies are conducted by the training providers but Mr.. Fernando has ignored the result of these studies. He has considered that when the training programmer is completed the whole Job is completed. How it affects the Job and for the future requirement has been neglected. Training Manager lacking of skills as a trainer “If a trainee has not learned, the trainer has not taught” That was a famous phrase that mostly used in the training industry.

Mr.. Fernando was the person who conducted in house training programmer at Care link. There is a doubt on his output when considering the newly appointed CEO analysis on the product knowledge of the medical and sales reps. CEO experienced that their product knowledge was not up to he expected level. But when he check on the training materials it was excellent.

It’s clearly explained to us that Mr.. Fernando was lacking skills as a trainer. Above highlighted issues could identify when we clearly analysis the given case.

Because of these issues organization has wasted lot of money and precious time of their employees. Quest u When we consider the role of a training manager, his is consisting different knowledge, skills and attitudes compare with ordinary managers.

Simply it says Training manager should be equipped with extra items when he holding the title of Training Manager. Main Job purpose of Training manager is responsibility for planning, organizing, leading and supervising training department in order to maintain and improve employee’s Job skills, and possibly prepare for Jobs requiring greater skill.

In the given case Mr.. Rave Fernando is lacking some skills, knowledge and competencies as a training manager therefore current problematic situation has been created in the organization. We can list out below main points when we consider the case further.

No systematic approach to Training and development Planning and program development is an important part of the training manager’s bob. In order to identify and assess training needs within the firm, He may confer with managers and supervisors or conduct surveys.

Also periodically evaluate training effectiveness. But when we consider this Job responsibility with the training manager of care link, there is significant difference. Mr.

. Fernando has not discussed with other managers Ana nee Nan’s done any survey to Nonentity ten actual requirement AT ten training before planning the training programmer. Understand the needs of the organization are a key responsibility of a training manager in order to plan and develop trainings. Training Manager is not there to send employees to general trainings without a purpose.

Even if employees are required to send for an out sourced programmer it has to be differences from that other general programmer. Since they are sent behalf of the organization programmer should be relevant to organizational purpose.

So it is training manager’s duty to consider and relate the subjects and even their contents, the significant features for corporate training programmer. Corporate training should emphasize on practicability and applicability. Employees need to grab things which relevant to their development. Training programmer are not linked with corporate objectives In an organization it is always required to do any activity of training with a purpose. In the organization view their main requirement is achieving the set corporate objective.

So every activity done at the organization has to link to the corporate objectives. Same thing apply for the care link as well. But when we consider the case it says that Mr.. Fernando has lavishly sped companies money on expensive training programmer, but the outcome of that gives very negative picture when Mr.

. Dylan Prefer investigating on that.

If Mr.. Fernando linked the training to the corporate objectives he should gain positive out come through the participants and it affect them in order to achieve the corporate goals. Trainings are not result oriented and No for design and develop training programs In an organization designing and development of training programs are based on results both the organizations and the individual’s.

It should not be done by ad hoc manner. Also organization should have clear idea, what they are going to develop through training and purpose for developing.

According to that designing and placement of the training should be done. Then only the organization can earn fruitful results. When we consider Care link, we can see that they do not have such criteria for their training programmer. Also for employee selection for training has been done without having systematic process.

Care link was a company where they sent their staff for overseas trainings. As training professional it is required to consider our countries resources before looking for overseas recourses.

Most of the overseas training has been designed according to the international requirements, without proper checking if we send our staff to enrollment programmer means wasting organizational time and money. Sometimes if Mr.. Fernando acts more meaningfully he could achieve the requirement locally walkout Senegal star out AT ten country.

Appraisal of training effectiveness Evaluation of training programmer or training process determines whether or not the training achieved the desired objective. Through that organizations can proactively monitor the effectiveness of employee education.

Also evaluating training will help to show how effective it was at meeting the objective. Proper evaluation of training gives umber of benefits to the organization; It helps employees to monitor their own improvement , Builds morale, by demonstrating an interest in staff development, To maximize the training ROI, helps to determine the form of future training programs. But Care link did not have any kind of evaluation process.

Training Manager has not conducted any kind of evaluation (pre or post evaluation). Its results was raised when Mr.. Prefer request for details on training. Due to not having proper evaluation Mr.


Fernando failed to answer any questions raised by the newly appointed CEO. Lacking Skilled as a trainer There are some special skills which every trainer should develop before start training. Mainly he or she should have good presentation skills, skill to connect with the audience and focus. Trainer can not only be professionals in documentation. Development on both training materials and presenting to the audience, both are equally important.

Audience should be able to learn and understand what the trainer express. Then only the learning completes. Mr.. Fernando was the trainer for in house training programmer.

He was doing product trainings and he has done it for an extensive time.

When Mr.. Prefer checks employees product knowledge it was at very lower level. Since Mr..

Fernando failed to evaluate completed training sessions he doesn’t know real status of employees as well as what he lack as a trainer. Above are missed areas in Rave Fernando as a Training Manager. His responsibility conduct and use cost effective and Organization objective based programs. As past records say Care link spent huge amount of money on training those training has not been effective to the organization. Mainly Mr..

Fernando Lack of skills and competence has caused the current situation. Training manager’s responsibility to eve eye on the market and see what other companies are paying for the same thing and try to arrange cost effective programmer. Secondly assess the ROI of the training program. Therefore he should have the capability to achieve organizational requirement without wasting its resources. “Training Need Analysis is a systematic process of identifying the Gap between the required levels of Knowledge, Skills & Attitudes & the current level in order to successfully perform a particular task”.

In the below diagram it clearly describe the above statement. [pick] In an organization Training need analysis is conducted to determine whether the organization most importance resources (Human capital) contain required AKA. It helps to plan the training budget, areas where training is required, and also highlights the occasions where training might not be appropriate action. In Care Link TAN has not been done before arranging training programmer. Therefore Mr.

. Fernando has not identified the Gap between required level of AKA and existing level. It has caused the current situation at the organization.

If this organization has done the TAN before setting training they would have save organizations valid time and money without wasting on various unwanted training sessions. Within the organization they can do TAN by direct observation, questioners and by performance review statements.

According to the gap, trainings can be arranged. After doing training Need analysis only we can identify that actual gap or is it another requirement. Without doing TAN it’s difficult to identify the actual need and sometimes it can lead to ad hoc training for employees.

In the organization Training Need arises at three levels. Organizational Level – Training need analysis at organizational level focuses on strategic planning, business need, and goals. It starts with the assessment of micro environment of the organization such as, procedures, structures, policies, strengths, and weaknesses and external environment such as opportunities and threats.

After doing the SOOT analysis, weaknesses can be dealt with the training interventions, while strengths can further be strengthened with continued training.

Threats can be reduced by identifying the areas where training is required. And, opportunities can be exploited by balancing it against costs. Individual Level – This focuses on each and every individual in the organization. At this level, the organization checks whether an employee is performing at desired bevel or the performance is below expectation.

If the difference between the expected performance and actual performance comes out to be positive, then certainly there is a need of training. However, individual competence can also be linked to individual need.

We can use below methods to analyze the individual need: Appraisal Ana performance review Peer appraisal Competency assessments Subordinate appraisal Client feedback Customer feedback Self-assessment or self-appraisal Operational Level – Training Need analysis at operational level focuses on the work hat is being assigned to the employees. The Job analyst gathers the information on whether the Job is clearly understood by an employee or not. He gathers this information through technical interview, observation, psychological test; questionnaires asking the closed ended as well as open ended questions, etc.

Since today’s macro environment is fast changing employees need to prepare for these changes.

Based on the information collected, training need analysis can be done. Question 04) Care Link is an organization where traditionally spend money on training. In the industry also it has reputation for this. Most of the organization does not spend more money on training and some top managers are difficult to convince on training expenditure. Odometer care link 00 not nave Tanat Kina AT problem.

Only Mr.. Fernando has to make some changes in his training functions.

According to my view I suggest following to implement at Care Link to overcome from current situation. Initially they have to develop systematic process for training department.

Training department should develop a training policy which in inline with organizational objectives. Then before implementing training programmer they should follow a deed analysis and analyze the needs for training. If it is clearly identified as training need only proceed with training programmer. Also need to use other learning techniques with training bib rotation, Job enrichment).

It is required to discourage sending inappropriate staff to training programmer.

Through performance review and other kind of surveys identify the appropriate person for training and send. By sending someone whom consider having less contribution to the operation to the training programmer will waste organizations money and resources. Maximum use of post training evaluations has to get to the organization. Then rent programmer can be developed and it will fulfill aims for the development of the competence of the staff for long-term performance enhancement.

Training evaluation has to be done before, after and how they apply it on the Job, And those records has to reviewed by the training manager regularly then outcomes of evaluation will help to take decision on future and current training.

Training manager needs to review out source training programmer especially before using external trainer’s service. And match their programmer according to the requirement of Job. Discussion with line managers and Staff will help him to get an dead on the requirement. Also when taking quotation from external trainers their pricing has to be compare with the market rate.

Since trainers know care link spend lot of money on training, they can apply high rates for training. It’s training Managers duty to agree for market rate and get maximum service.

Next important thing is development of Mr.. Fernando Training AKA. As per the case his presentation has not successful. It says he has to develop his competency. Therefore Rave can develop academic qualification by following professional course and practical knowledge by a training programmer like train the trainer will help to evolve.

Or else he can develop another person within the company with excellent presentation skills and present his training materials through him. Through competency or skill survey he can identify people with relevant skills. With the applications of above suggestions Mr.. Rave Fernando can achieve his organization’s future training results and make his contribution to the organization more meaning full.

Reticence Snell, Blander & Favor. Human Resource Management- A south Asian Perspective. Web links on http://www. Cornell. Due/del/globally Web links on www. Misunderstandings.

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