Differences between Hindu and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism are two different religions that cover different beliefs, traditions and performances. These two religions have different opinions regarding the issue of afterlife. In Hinduism it is believed that after one dies, the soul throws that body to another and presumes another body. They therefore believe that the soul remains the same as it is undeniable and imperishable and it takes on different lives in a cycle of birth and death. They refer to the end of the cycle as salvation or Moksha.

However Buddhists on the other hand believe that reincarnation takes place without a fixed self or soul passing from one form to another. The kind of reincarnation will depend on the moral quality of the person’s actions referred to as kamma. This means that if an individual has committed harmful actions of the body, the expected kingdom will be of hell while an individual who performed clever actions based on good things like compassion, loving kindness, wisdom and generosity, the expected kingdom will be of happiness.The religions have different opinions on the relationship between the church and the state. They advocate rights that are equal to every person in the state. Such rights include right of education, right to life and political rights.

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They identify the need for the state and its role in supporting and maintaining peace and stability. The religions also recognize the need for the state to set up the essential institution not excluding those of education and illegal justice. The emphasis should also be put on educating people about the significance of the law and why it should not be broken rather than relying on the cruel sentence.The human nature and virtuous life in Hinduism is considered in such a way that one must posses the following qualities: have selfless service to all humanity, honesty, peace, cleanliness, reverence, universality and protection. On the other hand, in Buddhism virtuous life consists of right action, livelihood, view, concentration, effort and right intention. In conclusion the two religions differ slightly.
