Free Essay on Human Resource Planning

PROJECT REPORT ON HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING Date of submission: 16-11-2010. Submitted to Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta Submitted by Group No:1 Group Members: Aadil Ahmed (01) Arjjun Kumaar G.

M (16) Harish Kharthik R (36) Pragadeeswari R (61) Shashwati Gupta (82) Acknowledgement We would like to express our gratitude to Dr. Nilanjan Sengupta, for his guidance and providing us with an opportunity to work on the project of “Human Resource Planning”, which has enabled us to develop a better understanding of the subject.

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Aadil Ahmed Arjjun Kumar G Harish Karthik Pragadeeswari R Shashwati Gupta Index 1. Introduction 2. Literature Review 2. 1 Factors Underlying Increased Interest in Human Resource Planning 2.

2 Model for describing Human Resource Planning 3. Corporate Illustrations 3. 1 Wipro 3. 2 Toto 3. 3 McDonalds’ 4.

Conclusion 5. Bibliography 1. Introduction Human resource planning has traditionally been used by organizations to ensure that the right person is in the right job at the right time.

Under past conditions of relative environmental certainty and stability, human resource planning focused on the short term and was dictated largely by line management concerns. Increasing environmental instability, demographic shifts, changes in technology, and heightened international competition are changing the need for and the nature of human resource planning in leading organizations. Planning is increasingly the product of the interaction between line management and planners.

In addition, organizations are realizing that in order to adequately address human resource concerns, they must develop long-term as well as short term solutions. As human resource planners involve themselves in more programs to serve the needs of the business, and even influence the direction of the business, they face new and increased responsibilities and challenges. In an early treatment of the topic, Vetter (1967) defined human resource planning as the process by which management determines how the organization should move from its current manpower position to its desired position.

Through planning, management strives to have the right number and the right kinds of people, at the right places, at the right time, doing things which result in both the organization and the individual receiving maximum long-run benefits. Because a major objective of planning is facilitating an organization’s effectiveness, it must be integrated with the organization’s short-term and long-term business objectives and plans. Increasingly this is being done in leading organizations, although in the past business needs usually defined personnel needs and human resource planning, which meant that planning became a reactive process.

The reactive nature of the process went hand-in-hand with a short-term orientation. Now, major changes in business, economic, and social environments are creating uncertainties that are forcing organizations to integrate business planning with human resource planning and to adopt a longer term perspective. Human resources is part of the strategic (business) planning process. It is a part of policy development, line extension planning and the merger and acquisition processes. Little is done in the company that does not involve us in the planning, policy or finalization stages of any deal.

An integrated linkage between business and human resource plans is one by which human resource and line managers work jointly to develop business plans and determine human resource needs, analyze the work force profile in terms of future business strategies, review emerging human resource issues, and develop programs to address the issues and support the business plans. These joint efforts occur when human resource planners convince corporate business planners that “human resources represent a major competitive advantage” that can increase profits when managed carefully. . Literature Review This project report describes some of the activities that industrial/organizational psychologists are engaged in as they seek to improve the competitiveness of organizations through effective human resource planning. 2.

1 Factors Underlying Increased Interest in Human Resource Planning There are many factors that account for the increased attention directed to human resource planning, but environmental forces-globalization, new technologies, economic conditions, and a changing workforce seem particularly potent.

These create complexity and uncertainty for organizations. Uncertainty can interfere with efficient operations, so organizations typically attempt to reduce its impact; formal planning is one common tactic used by organizations to buffer themselves from environmental uncertainty. The changing characteristics of the work force, which is but one important environmental factor, make the need for planning evident. The demographic projections have significant implications for managing human resources, thereby increasing the importance of human resource planning.

The changing demographics mean there will be fewer entry-level employees, so competition among employers will increase.

In addition, the changing demographics signal changes in the abilities, skills, interests, and values of tomorrow’s work force. 2. 2 Model for Describing Human Resource Planning The activities engaged in by human resource planners in leading organizations are described in four phases of human resource planning: * Gathering and analyzing data to forecast expected human resource demand, given business plans for the future and to forecast future human resource supply; * Establishing human resource objectives; Designing and implementing programs that will enable the organization to achieve its human resource objectives; and * Monitoring and evaluating these programs. Activities related to the four phases of human resource planning are described for three different time horizons: * short term (up to one year), * intermediate term (two to three years), and * long term (more than three years). These correspond to the typical time horizons for business planning.

Using the same conventions that line, managers use to distinguish between activities with differing time horizons is one step human resource planners can take to facilitate integration of their efforts with the needs of the business.

Although the four phases of human resource planning are conceptually the same regardless of the time horizon, there are practical differences in the operationalization of the four phases as the time horizon is extended. Short-Term Human Resource Planning Many Industrial experts work on activities related to designing and implementing programs (e. . , recruitment, selection systems, and training programs) to meet short-term organizational needs. Such activities generally involve an element of planning in that they are future-oriented to some extent. Even projects for which objectives are expected to be achieved in as little time as a few months have, ideally, been designed with an understanding of how the short-term objectives are linked to the achievement of longer term objectives.

Forecasting Demand and Supply In a short-term time horizon, demand and supply of human resources can be predicted with some certainty.

Human resource objectives follow logically from consideration of any discrepancies between demand and supply. Demand refers to the number and characteristics (e. g. , skills, abilities, pay levels, or experience) of people needed for particular jobs at a given point in time and at a particular place.

Supply refers to both the number and characteristics of people available for those particular jobs. What jobs need to be filled and vacated? Answering the demand question involves predicting who will leave jobs and create vacancies, which jobs will be eliminated, and which new jobs will be created.

One method for predicting both vacancies and job growth is to project historical trends into the future. This is particularly relevant for organizations affected by regular, cyclical fluctuations in demand for their products or services. Behavioral theories of the causes of turnover combined with employee surveys designed to assess attitudinal predictors of turnover (e. g.

, job satisfaction) also help Industrial experts and human resource planners predict how many currently filled positions are likely to become vacant.

Such information can produce useful predictions when the organizational unit of interest is large, although making predictions about precisely which positions are likely to become vacant is less precise. Predictions about how many and what types of jobs will be eliminated or created in the short term generally follow directly from business plans submitted by line managers. How and where will we get people to fill and vacate jobs? The first step in answering the supply question-involves determining the desired characteristics of employees who fill (or vacate) the jobs of interest.

Then the availability of those characteristics in the organization’s current work force and in the external labor market must be assessed. The particular characteristics of current and potential employees that are inventoried and tracked by human resource planners are influenced by the nature of the organization and the environment in which it operates.

For example, for human resource planners in growing organizations, simply finding people with the needed skills and abilities is likely to be a top priority. For planners in mature and declining organizations, the costs (e. g. salary level) associated with employees become more salient, especially if work-force reductions are needed. Thus it is important for the human resource planner to know the business needs and characteristics of the organization.

This knowledge is gained by human resource planners meeting with line managers to discuss their business plans as well as their human resource needs. The process of discussion increases the accuracy of supply and demand forecasts and facilitates the establishment of human resource objectives. Establishing Objectives With a short-time horizon, objectives are often easy to state in quantifiable terms.

Examples of short-term human resource objectives include increasing the number of people who are attracted to the organization and apply for jobs (increase the applicant pool); attracting a different mix of applicants (with different skills, in different locations, etc. ); improving the qualifications of new hires; increasing the length of time that desirable employees stay with the organization; decreasing the length of time that undesirable employees stay with the organization; and helping current and newly hired employees quickly develop the skills needed by the organization.

Such objectives can generally be achieved in a straightforward way by applying state-of-the-art human resource management techniques and working with line managers to ensure agreement with and understanding of the program objectives. Design and Implementation of Short-Term Programs The technical skills of I/O psychologists are often applied to short-term program design and implementation. For example, recruiting programs are used to influence the size and quality of the applicant pool. Selection programs are developed for making hiring decisions.

Performance appraisal systems identify performance deficiencies to be corrected and competencies to be rewarded.

Training programs emphasize developing skills for use in the near future. Compensation systems are designed to attract new employees, to motivate people to perform well, and to retain employees. Even when these activities are designed to achieve short-term objectives and are expected to have relatively immediate pay-offs, they can serve to help an organization achieve its longer term goals.

Evaluating Short-Term Human Resource Programs As is true for any type of program evaluation, this phase involves assessing how well objectives were achieved. Because short-term planning objectives are generally stated in terms that are relatively easy to quantify (e.

g. , numbers of applicants, numbers of hires, and performance levels of employees), systematic evaluation of human resource programs to meet short-term organizational needs is quite feasible, and some types of program evaluations are actually common in large organizations.

Until very recently, when programs for selection, training, and motivation were evaluated by Industrial experts, the effectiveness criteria were almost exclusively behavioral(e. g. , performance and turnover) or attitudinal (e.

g. , job satisfaction and commitment). Such criteria need no defense to be accepted by experts, but line management support for human resource programs can be difficult to achieve if the expected results of such programs are not translated into the language of business, that is, rupees.

With continuing advancements in utility analysis techniques and human resource cost assessment techniques, it is becoming more feasible to build convincing economic arguments in support of human resource programs. Thus, rather than having to spend energy arguing for resources to conduct short-term programs, Industrial experts in organizational settings are being freed to deal more extensively with intermediate-term and longer term human resource planning issues. Long-Term Human Resource Planning

Increasingly, long-term human resource planning (for beyond three years) is becoming critical to the effective functioning of organizations.

The rapidly changing and highly competitive worldwide marketplace is causing firms to turn to their human resources for survival and competitiveness. Because there is a greater understanding that an organization’s work force cannot be turned around on a dime, long-term human resource planning is gaining currency. It is an activity that demands integration of the skills and knowledge of the human resource planner and all the other executives responsible for strategic planning.

Although there are many types of long-term planning efforts, we use succession planning as our primary example of the process. Forecasting Demand and Supply: The Challenge of Succession Planning A major long-term business concern in organizations is “What types of managers do we need running the business into the 21st century, and how do we make sure we have them? ” In describing how succession planning efforts differ now from the past, the turbulence and unpredictability of the current business environment has resulted in “a iscernible trend” of substituting efforts to define more generic competencies for efforts to identify specific knowledge and skills in the specification of position requirements. Comparing this with “the old” technology of management succession planning, which was largely an exercise in replacement planning.

Organizations were planning within a model of minimal change in organization structure (internal environment) and a perceived static external environment.

Position requirements could easily be extrapolated from the job descriptions of current incumbents-factoring into these requirements those skills and abilities that the current incumbent lacked. Since position requirements were relatively stable and career paths reasonably well-defined, an effective performance appraisal system coupled with opportunities for key executives to observe candidates adequately served the selection process for many companies. Succession planning programs are complex systems designed to safeguard the long-term health of the organization.

The key activities in succession planning are identifying high-potential employees, identifying needed competencies, and providing learning experiences to develop these competencies.

Well-developed programs include a variety of components: selection procedures, development plans, mentorships, frequent and systematic performance reviews, and career planning activities that involve employees in planning and monitoring their own development. Staffing the upper echelons of organizations presents a number of unique challenges, particularly when a company practices a promotion-from-within policy.

Because the planning horizon is so long, greater uncertainty exists when predicting both future demand and future supply. The uncertainty in predicting supply is compounded by the small numbers of people and jobs involved, which changes the prediction task from one of estimating the percentage of a pool of employees who are likely to be with the company x years into the future to one of estimating the probability that a few particular individuals will still be with the company x years into the future.

Providing developmental experiences to a greater number of employees helps reduce the uncertainty of forecasted supply, but orchestrating developmental experiences for large numbers of employees can be very difficult logistically because development is best accomplished by rotating employees through many key jobs throughout their careers.

Predicting who will be available and with what capabilities is only half of the problem, of course. Equally challenging is predicting the needs of the organization. Establishing Objectives Organizations are dynamic systems embedded in dynamic environments.

When planning for future needs, the only sure bet is that future-need will be different from current needs. Popular wisdom has long held that different types of leaders are effective under different business conditions.

For example, the personal characteristics of managers that lead to success during the startup and early growth phases of an organization’s life cycle may inhibit their performance when the organization reaches the phase of maturity and stability. For companies currently in the early growth stages, this makes succession planning particularly difficult.

Because the needs of the future are inconsistent with current needs, the challenge is to find ways to maximize the effectiveness of managers in the current organizational environment of rapid growth while at the same time providing experiences for these managers to help them develop the skills they will need in the mature-stage organizational environment of the future. Another type of major change that an organization may experience during a several-year planning horizon is a modification of their competitive strategy.

Like a change from rapid growth to mature stability, a change in competitive strategies may have significant implications for the types of managers needed. Competitive strategy refers to the means by which a firm competes for business in the marketplace.

Competitive strategies can differ along a number of dimensions, including the extent to which firms emphasize innovation, quality enhancement, or cost reduction. Briefly, the innovation strategy is used to develop products or services different from those of competitors; the primary focus is on continually offering something new and different.

Enhancing product or service quality is the primary focus of the quality-enhancement strategy. In the cost-reduction strategy, firms typically attempt to gain competitive advantage by being the lowest-cost goods producer or service provider. It is likely that successful pursuit of these three different strategies requires employees to adopt different patterns of behavior. For example, organizations that pursue innovation as a strategy are likely to experience uncertainty because the path to innovation includes a mix of spurts in progress and unforeseen setbacks.

In addition, the innovation process depends heavily on individual expertise and creativity. Steep learning curves and the rapid speed at which knowledge is accumulated through experience make it difficult for organizations to codify procedures. This means that employee turnover can have disastrous consequences. Furthermore, innovation often threatens the status quo, causing some natural resistance and a volatile political climate. The differences in needed employee behaviors associated with different strategies have significant implications for human resource planning.

Program Design and Implementation Companies need managers with unique abilities to guide the organization through a period of rapid expansion and growth. Based on careful evaluation of the available talent and anticipated future business conditions, it can be concluded that companies should begin developing a talent pool that would include people who had greater mental ability, who were psychologically compatible with the company’s need for innovation and change, who were skilled administrators and effective decision makers, and who were emotionally stable yet aggressive.

To ensure that such people would be available and could be identified, Companies should develop battery of psychological tests for use in their selection process, a process aided by the joint efforts of line management and human resource planners. Such tests are now a general component of the long-range planning efforts of many organizations because they help identify high-potential employees early in their careers.

For many organizations, succession planning and career development are tools for integrating diverse subgroups within a corporation. Evaluating Long-Term Programs Presently most of our knowledge about how to develop and improve long-term human resource programs has been generated through trial-and-error rather than through systematic research.

Nevertheless, much knowledge about individual behavior and development has been gained by analysis of the massive amounts of data generated by large-scale, ongoing management planning systems.

Understandably, what rigorous researchers engaged in the evaluation of succession planning programs have emphasized is the ability to predict individual outcomes, such as career progress and satisfaction. It is also now appropriate to evaluate long-term programs using corporate outcomes such as share price, market share, receipt of industry awards, and so on. In the spirit of integrating business needs and human resource planning, such corporate indicators are legitimate criteria for evaluating success, in addition to individual outcomes.

Doubtless there are many difficulties that complex, multifaceted interventions and long-term time horizons pose in drawing conclusions about cause-and-effect relationships; nonetheless, there are great opportunities for the Industrial expert who adopts a long-term view and for human resource planners and line managers who coordinate their efforts to assess the long-term effectiveness of human resource programs in corporate and individual terms. 3.

Illustrations 3. 1.

WIPRO Wipro’s people processes are based on the current best practices in human resources, knowledge management and organization development, giving a great focus to match changing business needs with development of employee competencies. Capability Maturity Model (CMM) Wipro has expertise in Six-Sigma methodologies, which have been put in use to streamline and enhance existing people processes in organizations, enabling decision making based on metrics and measurements.

The central idea behind Six Sigma is that if you can measure how many “defects” you have in a process, you can systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as close to “zero defects” as possible. Six Sigma starts with the application of statistical methods for translating information from customers into specifications for products or services being developed or produced.

Six Sigma is the business strategy and a philosophy of one working smarter not harder. Evolution of Six Sigma at Wipro :- Six Sigma at Wipro simply means a measure of quality that strives for near perfection.

It is an umbrella initiative covering all business units and divisions so that it could transform itself in a world class organization. At Wipro, it means: * Have products and services meet global benchmarks * Ensure robust processes within the organization * Consistently meet and exceed customer expectations * Make Quality a culture within. Build the Culture: Implementation of Six Sigma required support from the higher level managers.

It meant restructuring of the organization to provide the infrastructure, training and the confidence in the process. Wipro had to build this culture and that took time in implementation.

Project selection: The first year of deployment was extremely difficult for Six Sigma success. They decided to select the project on the basis of high probability of their success and targeted to complete them in a short period to assess the success. These projects were treated as pilot projects with a focus to learn.

For the selection of the right project the field data was collected, process map was developed and the importance of the project was judged from the eyes of customers. Training: After the set up, the first step of implementation was to build a team of professionals and train them for various stages of Six sigma.

The training was spread in five phases: Defining, measuring, analyzing, improving and controlling the process and lastly increasing customer satisfaction. These phases consisted of statistics, bench marking and design of experiments. To find the right kind of people and train them was a difficult job. This motivated Wipro to start their own consultancy to train the people.

Resources: It was difficult to identify resources that required for short-term basis and long-term basis as it varied from project to project. Wipro did it on the basis of seriousness and importance of the project. Model Of HRP System

Human Resource Policies * Manpower Planning * Recruitment ;amp; Selection * Training ;amp; Development * Performance Appraisal * Promotion, Transfer, ;amp; Demotion * Administration Section * Grievance Handling * Kaizen suggestion * Welfare Activities * Recruitment While generalist managers or administrators can undertake some components of the recruitment process, mid- and large-size organizations and companies often retain professional recruiters or outsource some of the process to recruitment agencies. External recruitment is the process of attracting and selecting employees from outside the organization.

Internal Sources * Promotions and Transfer * Job postings * Employee Referrals External Sources * Advertisement * Employment Agencies * On campus Recruitment * Employment exchanges * Education and training institute Training Talent Transformation Division handles training.

For those with less than one year of experience a well-structured induction training program is conducted. This will cover all aspects of software development skills that are required. Talent Transformation has a mandate to provide technical ;amp; business skill training based on the departmental and divisional need.

All employees are eligible to take training based on the competency gap identified or Project need. In addition to class room training one can take e-Learning without waiting for class room training. Compliance and Regulatory training is an important aspect in today’s regulated environment and is often implemented as part of corporate initiatives.

All large companies have mandatory trainings be it in the field of Environment, Health ;amp; Safety, Ethics, Risk-Management, Finance, Law, etc. Wipro Training Model Development Wipro Leaders’ Qualities Survey has successfully contributed in endeavor to urture top class business leaders in Wipro. It has 8 Wipro Leadership Qualities, which are based on Wipro vision, values and business strategy. In order to identify and help leaders develop these competencies we adopt a 360-degree survey process. This is an end-to-end program, which starts with the obtaining of feedback from relevant respondents and ends with each leader drawing up a Personal Development Plan (PDP) based on the feedback received.

The PDP is developed through “Winds of Change” which is a seven-step program that helps in identifying strengths and improvement areas, and determining the action steps.

The Leadership Development Framework Leadership Lifecycle Programs Wipro has developed an approach for Life Cycle Stage Development Plan. Training and development programs at various stages have been designed by mapping the competencies to specific roles. Competencies specify the specific success behaviors at every role. * Entry-level program (ELP) – The program covers the junior management employees with the objective of developing managerial qualities in the employee.

The target group is campus hires and lateral hires at junior level. New Leaders’ Program (NLP) – It is popularly known as NLP and aims at developing potential people managers, who have taken such roles or are likely to get into those roles in the near future. * Wipro Leaders’ Program (WLP) – This program is for middle level leader with people, process, business development and project management responsibilities. These leaders are like the flag bearers of Wipro values and Wipro way of doing business. * Business Leaders’ Program (BLP) – This is for senior leaders with business responsibility. At this level, people are trained up for revenue generation; and Profit ;amp; Loss responsibilities.

The program covers commercial orientation, client relationship development, and team building and performance management responsibilities among other things. * Strategic Leaders’ Program (SLP) – This program covers top management employees. The focus is on Vision, Values, Strategy, Global Thinking and Acting, Customer Focus and Building Star Performers. Wipro ties up with leading business schools of international repute to conduct this program for Wipro leaders. Custom Content Development – As a part of the Custom Content Development Service, Wipro provides innovative and affordable learning content solutions.

This service is customized specially to meet your requirements and help you get a competitive edge. Wipro’s Custom Content Development Service goes through a rigorous development cycle to ensure Quality and Timely Delivery of the solution. Custom Content Development Service includes: * Application Training * Process Training * Compliance and Regulatory Training * Product Training * Rapid Training Solutions Performance Appraisal * Aims of a performance appraisal * Give feedback on performance to employees. * Identify employee training needs. Document criteria used to allocate organizational rewards.

* Form a basis for personnel decisions: salary increases, promotions, disciplinary actions, etc. * Provide the opportunity for organizational diagnosis and development. * Facilitate communication between employee and administrator. * Validate selection techniques and human resource policies to meet federal Equal Employment Opportunity requirements. Wipro’s solution aims at strategic value delivery in the least possible time incorporating rich functional features, aided by smooth workflow, notification, authorization, etc.

| * Align employee objectives to the business goals. Enable strategic Performance Management through Management by Objectives (MBO)| * | * Measure and Assess employee performance periodically and provide feedback and support to achieve quantitative, qualitative and process targets | * | * Evaluate and track Hi-Performance and achievers based on Competency driven practices. | * | * Enable online Reward and Recognition. | Appraisal System In order to answer Performance related questions, Wipro offers an integrated end-to-end Performance Management Solution.

This solution is based on global people processes drawn from best practices and helps organizations streamline their performance evaluation processes.

Wipro’s ePerformance Management solution not only helps you establish the best practices in Performance Management, like 360degree appraisal, MBO, etc, but enables reduced Performance Management cycle time without compromising on the sub-processes which are so critical to your HR values, like Work Planning Conference, Work Plan establishment, Development plans and Objective setting, Interim Review, Overall evaluation, detecting Performance deficiencies, Tracking, Documentation and Archiving.

Once reviewed by HR dept. Assistant (HR) updates the records for each employee’s score in the database. Promotion As per Guidelines for supervisory employees’ promotion/up gradation, applicable to the present year, Manager (HR) prepares the list of eligible employees. Simultaneously, V P (HR) also asks for recommendations from HODs. A comprehensive list is then prepared by Manager (HR) and submitted to the EPPP which is announced by the Site President, for Executive and Manager family, and by the Group President (MSD), for Leader Family.

Bases Of Promotion

Seniority : Seniority simply depends upon how long the employees is doing job with the company. The length of service and talent are both interrelated with each other. It is based on the tradition of respect for older people. It creates a sense of security among employees and avoids conflict arising from promotion decision. Merit : Merit implies the knowledge, skill and performance records of an employee. It helps to motivate competent employee to work hard and acquire new skills.

It helps to attract and retain young and promising employees in the organization.

On the above basis, promotion of employees is done in Wipro. Wipro also prompt employee by conducting different case studies on different aspects of Information Technology. Working at Wipro is very comparative ;amp; to get promotion required smart work and projection. Transfers Transfers are generally effected to build up a more satisfactory work team and To meet the Organizational requirement / Employees request the employees has been transfer from one assigned job to another or one location to another location. Purposes of Transfers To satisfy needs of an organization * To met employees own needs * To utilize workforce * To increase the versatility of employees * To provide relief * Transfers for the maintenance of a tenure system Every organisation should have a just and impartial policy which should be known to each employee.

The responsibility for effecting transfers is usually entrusted to an executive with power to prescribe the conditions under requests for transfers are to be approved. For successful transfer policies, it is necessary to have a proper job description and job analysis.

A good transfer policy should contain following. Specifically clarify the type of transfers and the conditions under which these will be made: * Deciding the authorised person who may initiate and implement transfers * Indicate the basis of transfer * Decide the rate of pay to be given to the transferee * Intimate the fact of transfer to the person concerned well in advance * Be in writing and duly communicated to all concerned * Not be made frequent and not for the sake of transfer only. Compensation

Wages and salaries structure is very vital for the retention of the employees as due to stiff competition, if proper salary is not given then the employees will go to those organization offering higher salaries. Wipro runs 50 offices in India.

It has a branch office in USA, Canada, Europe, Middle east, Africa etc. Payscale of Employee at Wipro Employee Class| No of Employee| Salary (Rs/Month)| A+ Class| 128| 120000 U. S $| A Class| 1240| 150000| B+ Class| 33000| 60000| B Class| 22000| 40000| Technician| 4000| 35000| Zero level| 3440| 10000|

Total| 63808| | Information System In the present day scenario, in the corporate sector the companies have adopted hire and fire policy whereby any employees who creates trouble in the working of the organization is removed immediately from the job. The management in the Jivraj Tea is quite friendly with the employees and they always try to satisfy the demands of the employees. The relationship between the management and the workers are quite cordial and if any dispute is there it is sorted out mutually. HRIS Objectives

Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS) is an integration of HRM and Information Systems (IS).

HRIS or Human resource Information system helps HR managers perform HR functions in a more effective and systematic way using technology. It is the system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information regarding an organization’s human resources. A human resource information system (HRIS) is a system used to acquire, store, manipulate, analyze, retrieve, and distribute pertinent information about an organization’s human resources.

Employee Welfare According to the Oxford dictionary, employee welfare or labour welfare means “the efforts to make life worth living for workmen. ” Labour Welfare means anything done for the comfort and improvement, intellectual or social, of the employees over and governmental, which is not a necessity of the industry. Welfare Activities Education – Wipro has its own institute, where the education is given to the employees’ children absolutely free.

The school has classes from JR. kg to class-XII in English medium. Free transportation facility is also provided to them.

Medical – Company’s philosophy is “Nobody should die without fund”. Company believes its responsibility towards health services to provide to the employees go beyond the statutory provision.

Being the petrochemical industry and some of their process are considered “Hazardous”. Company recognises the importance of good occupational health services. Therefore, at the manufacturing sites, they have well equipped, full fledged medical centre, which are manned round the clock. Housing – Company has its own township at different location in Bangalore.

If house is available, the new employees are allotted the house otherwise the company can also hire house.

All the maintenance in houses provided to employees by company is done by the company. Canteen – The company gives canteen facility under which food is provided to the employees but it is not compulsory for them. They get the allowance in their salary. The Contract Cell at Wipro invites tenders and the Contract cell signs detailed agreement with the contractor. The operation of the canteen is given on the contract.

Sports – To motivate the employees of the company organises different sports tournaments i. . Cricket, Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton Etc. Recreation activities – For the recreation of the employee, company organized gets to gather once in a year with their family. And also arranged short distance picnic.

For picnic they get Rs. 100/- and free transportation once in a year. Club membership – The purpose of the club membership is to meet the other members of the industrial community and interact with them for relation personnel leisure. This facility is provided only to the SMC and above. Insurance Policy – Wipro provides personal accident insurance policy of Rs 100000 for employees.

Premium of the company is half pay by employee and other will pay by Wipro.

2. TOTO This is the human resource plan for the year 2005 of TOTO which is a Shangai based company Objective The main objective of this 2005 human resource plan were * Future developments * Increase the efficiency of the workers * Reduce administration costs and resources wasting Identifying needs From beginning it was found that Toto Company was face a new problem from internal area and on the other hand it had to plan for the future developments. So Toto human resource department had to do a new human resource plan for the year 2005.

According to the company annual report of year 2004, the Toto Company tried to reduce administration cost. Toto Company is not a manufacture company. Hence they didn’t need any raw materials for the company, so all the costs are made by staffs.

Only two reasons to explain why the administration costs increased faster were resources wasting and staff working inefficiency. The Toto company to reduce administration costs and resources wasting had to get more efficient staff from outside to increase the efficiency and also influence other staff work to be more efficient.

It also had to establish an internal supervising system for all the people to identify efficient staff in the company. Evaluate needs To reduce the administration costs, the existing seven departments were reorganised into four departments. The changes done were * The Finance department was responsible for company daily expense and financial evaluation. * The Human Resources department was responsible for position exchange and some conflicts.

* The Customer Service department and Marketing department will still remain. * The company will cancel Computer department and Transportation department.

The main reason to cancel the Computer department was that the department’s daily expense was the highest, and it was not useful for company’s main business. Transportation department also had the similar task with Customer service. So from 2005, Customer service was also responsible for keep in touch with the transport company.

After combine each other, the company structure in 2005 become above picture. To reduce the resource wasting and to improve the efficiency of the workers, in the 2005 human planning, Human Resource department divided the plan into two areas.

One was external recruitment and another was internal supervising. Through external recruitment the company will recruit efficient staff from university and other logistics companies. The high-degree people can influence other staff work to be more efficient.

Then internal supervising, the company identified the inefficient staff, out of which few were to be fired and rest were given to be given training. HR Plans Part One: Recruit new staff The main purpose of recruitment and training was to deliver a competent workforce.

This section deals with all aspects of the recruitment of staff and support staff from the placing of external advertisements and the organizing of recruitment drives, to the management of the staff selection process. The head of this section was also responsible for managing the Training Centre, which delivers classroom based training under the two broad headings of negotiation skill, communication skill. Recruitment process The recruitment task will be an important planning for next year.

Therefore, they planned the recruitment from four aspects: search plan, selection techniques, time table and recruitment budget.

Search plan: In order to let the suitable people know our company and be interested in the job position, we plan to use society media to make advertisement. In addition, we will make advertisement on some big job exhibitions and university in order to catch our suitable staff and managers. Selection techniques: After advertisement for two months, we will begin selection stage and finish our search plan. In order to find suitable people, we will design the selection techniques. First are the Shortlist candidates, and then we will have interview, presentation and test for the applicants.

Then, we will conduct referee checks. After that, we will recommend successful candidates and give thanks to unsuccessful candidates. Attention was that, the selection decision will come from area manager, only the mangers agree, that we can select. Timetable: They planed this recruitment process into five months. * January: Prepare for recruitment. * January to February: Make advertisement.

* March: Select suitable candidates and let the successful candidates sign the contract with our company. * April: Write final report to top manager.

Recruitment budget: * Advertising on public media(100,000-120,000RMB) * Employment interviews(2,000-5,000RMB) * Assessing employment applications(500-1,200RMB) * applicant reference checking(800-2,200RMB) * Total cost of recruitment will be 103,300-128,400RMB. Part Two: Training current staff From last two years result, they found that staff does not have enough professional knowledge on logistic, so present staff were given opportunities to increase their competition power; the training courses gave them more knowledge that was professional.

Select trainer: The trainer was selected by the exam-failed staff, which means all the failed staff in the knowledge test will train in 2005. Training process For the next year, their human resource department designed a professional knowledge test; all the staffs were allowed to take part in.

the exam results prepared were given to everyone at the end of January. If the mark of exam were lower than 60, the staff were asked to join a training course. The teacher from the university trained them; company provided free books and equipment.

The training course begun from February, finished at March. During training time, no staffs were losing their salary. At the end of March, the course exam were held.

If staff failed to pass the exam, he was sacked. The purpose to train staff was to provide every staff more knowledge that was professionally needed. Training budget * Recruit teachers (1,500-3,000RMB) * Necessary equipment, such as books and classroom(2,000-4,000RMB) * Other cost, such as lunch (1,500-3,500RMB) * Total cost of training will be 5000-10,500RMB

Part Three: Establish internal supervising system This supervising system will focus on the resources wasting. Toto Company does not have any products to production, so all the costs are from the administration costs. For example, some people like carry company printer paper to his house, also, pens, books, folders, are disappeared all the time. In 2003, they bought 4000 folders from outside, but at the end of year, plus 1500 folders we have not use, the company only have 2300 folders, other 1700 folders disappeared in company.

So for supervising system, the supervisors will focus on the official resources. All the supervisors will come from human resource department, and the department managers will supervise human resource department. all departments will give a budget administration cost based on the number of people. Part Four: Allocate budget Official resource will depend on the staff number in every department. Top management: Each people will have 2,000RMB budget administration cost, it ill get 20,000RMB for administration budget (10 people) HR department: Each staff will have 500RMB budget administration cost, the department will get 25,000RMB. (50 people) Finance department: Each people will have 500RMB budget administration cost, the department will get 35,000RMB (70 people) Customer Service department: Each people will have 500RMB budget administration cost, the department will get 82,500RMB f (165 people) Marketing department: Each people will have 500RMB budget administration cost, the department will get 87,500RMB (175 people) Part Five: Other human resource planning Reducing sickness absence * Staff retention * Measures to improve leadership * The Gender Agenda * Implementation of Pay Reforms 3 McDonalds’ McDonalds’, is one of the largest and famous company in India and the world.

The HR planning will provide a start for a personal management action program expected at merging differences between the supply and demand, by which it offers a structure in which actions can be undertaken to overcoming staffing difficulties faced by the organization.

The HR plans of McDonalds’ are: * Evaluate future recruitments needed as McDonalds’ is increasingly expanding (franchise) and actually have more than 30,000 restaurants in more than 120 countries around the world. * Creating training programs for the staff as the staff for example in the till need to serve customer fast 1 to 3 customers a minute also they need to have a good customer service. Build up promotion and career development strategies which will benefit both the staff and the organization * Avoid redundancy as this can affect the other workers they will be de-motivated and it will give a bad image to the organization * Build a flexible workforce to meet up with the changing requirement and environment * Controlling the staff wages and salaries while in the mean times guaranteeing the competitiveness of the salaries * Evaluating future necessities from equipments, knowledge, technology and premises Recruitment and selection process within McDonalds’

The recruitment process of McDonalds’ for example crew members consist of two steps application. * Online application which consist of filling in the information that the candidate is asked to do online which include personal details, previous work experiences, qualifications, and plus a questionnaire that put the candidate in real life situation for example if the customer complain about something what will be the reaction.

* Is the candidate have successfully passed the first online step, he or she will be invited to the restaurant for an OJE (On Job Evaluation) and a face to face interview.

With the OJE which only last 15 minutes the manager will give the applicants tasks to do so he or she can see how the candidate perform in real life situation and the manager evaluate the candidate customer service and skills and then he or she reflected against what they are looking for in a candidate. And then after that the candidate will have an interview with the business manager. The media used to recruit and selection

Concerning the selection, McDonalds’ use online questions as mentioned above to see how the applicant will perform in different situations at work also they use the OJE or as it is famous by INTRAY OR IN BASKET EXERCISES to see how the applicant perform in the real life situation and then the interview that will help the manager some up and take the right decision concerning if this person will be selected for the job he or she applied for it, and this is a good selection media as it give the applicant the chance to be in a work in a team and with other which put him or her in the real life situation even if it is for 15 minutes.

The exit procedures Concerning McDonalds’, the exit procedures that this company follow is similar to other companies as it undertake an exit interview with the person who is leaving the job, so the staff will have the opportunity to explain their reasons for leaving the job, or in the case of the staff choosing another employer, or to air their grievance, all this helped McDonalds’ to what it is now as those criticism helped the company to take decisions to change their policies, especially if this employee is leaving for a competitor.

What McDonalds’ do is that despite the interview that make the manager listen to the staff and know the reason of leaving (challenging work environment, salary, discrimination, promotion).

If the employee is a good performer they try to keep him or she in the organization, as he or she is beneficial to the company and the organization doesn’t want to loose of their staff because he may contribute more with the competitors and they can use the staff knowledge and what this staff has gained of expertise against the previous company. And this is including the resignation of the staff.

In the case of redundancy McDonalds’s transfer staff to other restaurants that are in need of workforce because as we know that McDonalds’ in one of the fastest growing companies in the world and every day it opens a new branch in the world, so in redundancy situation the company offers alternative job and all this is with consultation with the worker. By using these procedures McDonalds’ can improve in the domain knowing if it comes to keeping good employees working for them, and those solution that were mentioned above are considered as the best and the commonly used by professional and leading organizations around the world. . Conclusion Because the purpose of human resource planning is to ensure that the right people are in the right place at the right time, it must be linked with the plans of the total organization.

Traditionally, there has been a weak one-way linkage between business planning and human resource planning. Business plans, where they exist, have defined human resource needs, thereby making human resource planning a reactive exercise. Many organizations now recognize that they can benefit from a two-way linkage between business and human resource planning.

With a two-way linkage, business plans are considered somewhat malleable in that they are influenced by human resource considerations, such as the cost and availability of labor. Such organizations realize that profitability requires that business objectives be linked to people-planning activities. If the right people are unavailable, performance goals cannot be met.

“A two-way linkage is evident when astute managers no longer assume that every plan is doable”. Recently, some organizations have moved toward having a completely integrative linkage between business planning and human resource planning.

In these organizations, organizational effectiveness is facilitated by a human resource executive who is a fully participating member of the top management team. In this case business plans can be substantially modified by the human resource executive, and business results can be substantially improved. Human resource planning becomes more complex as the time horizon for planning stretches further into the future, so it is not surprising that companies become involved in longer term planning activities only after becoming proficient in shorter term planning activities.

An evolutionary pattern, going from mastery of techniques for short-term planning to development of long-term planning capabilities, is also evident in the related technical and scientific literatures on planning. Much of the research conducted by Industrial experts has been directed at improving short-term outcomes such as attracting applicants, maximizing performance, and minimizing dissatisfaction and stress in order to retain valued employees.

Currently, there is a growing awareness that these activities need to be clearly and explicitly linked to improving organizational productivity, quality, innovation, and employee satisfaction and involvement. It seems clear that human resource management in general, and human resource planning in particular, will become more closely tied to the needs and strategies of organizations. As this occurs, human resource planning will be the thread that ties together all other human resource activities and integrates these with the rest of the organization.

In other words, human resource planners are likely to take on the role of organizational change agents.

Thus a final challenge in human resource planning is balancing current needs-of organizations and their employees-with those of the future.

5. Bibliography * Human Resource Management, Edition-6, K. Aswathappa. * http://www.

cedworks. com/files/pdf/free/P203BHR01. pdf * http://project-management-knowledge. com/definitions/h/human-resource-planning * http://www. scribd. com/doc/16606524/Wipro * http://www.

scribd. com/doc/28234914/HR-Planning
