Jet Study Case Study

Business functions: Stable’s communication, reservation and computer systems were described in this case. They represent Sales and IT business functions. 2. What is Stable’s business model? Getable business model was saving money both from streamlined information systems and lean staffing, while offering top-notch customer service at budget prices.

The airline featured new Airbus AWAY planes with leather sears, each equipped with a personal TV screen, and averaging one way fares of only $99 per passenger.

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Getable was able to offer low fares by using Information systems to automate key processes such as ticket sales by mostly selling them online and baggage handling, by introducing electronic tags to help track luggage. Both initiatives eliminated paper, increased efficiency and lowered costs. Initially, Getable flew only one type of aircraft: the Airbus 320. This approach enabled the airline to standardize flight operations and maintenance procedures.

Both measures resulted in significant savings. How do its information systems support the business model?

Getable used a single vendor, Microsoft, to design Stable’s extensive network of information systems. Sing a single vendor provided a technology framework where Getable could keep a small staff and favor in-house development of systems over outsourcing or relying on consultants, allowing the company to keep Its costs low. 3.

What was the problem experienced by Getable In this case? Stable’s senior management made an incorrect decision to maintain its schedule during an ice storm. Nine airplanes were stranded on the tarmac for anywhere between six and ten hours.

Getable waited too long to solicit help for the stranded passengers because the airline figured the planes would take off eventually. Meanwhile, the weather conditions and the delays and cancellation of other flights caused customers to flood Stable’s reservation system, which could not handle that much traffic. At the same time, many of the airline’s pilots and flight crews were also stranded and unable to get to locations where they could replace crews that had just worked their maximum hours without rest, but did not actually go anywhere.

What management, organization, and technology factors were responsible for the problem?

Management factors: Getable did not have a Decision Support System that would purport onerously decision making and focus on unique and changing problems by using information from TIPS, MIS and other external sources. Such a system would allow Stable’s management to make a netter Motormen echelon winner or not teen should maintain their schedule during an ice storm or cancel all flights. Organizational factors: Getable lacked an Enterprise Resource Planning System that would help significantly to help locate missing baggage and quickly locate airline’s pilots and flight crews.

Technology factors: Stable’s transaction processing system and lean staffing were responsible for the problem. Under normal circumstances, the lean staff was sufficient to handle all operations and the computer systems functioned well below their capacity.

However, during a radical increase in activity, tasks such as rebooking passengers, handling baggage and locating crew members became impossible. 4. Based on what you’ve learned in this chapter, what kinds of systems and business functions were involved in Stable’s problem?

It seems the company did not plan for something like that to ever happen. All systems and business functions focused on performing day-to-day activities. Getable did not have any enterprise applications that are designed to coordinate multiple functions and business processes. Enterprise systems integrate the key internal business processes of a firm into a single software system to improve coordination, efficiency, and decision making.

It would allow their Solver and Saber systems to communication more effectively and efficiently.

During the crisis, some flight attendants were unable to get in touch with anyone who could tell them what do for three days. The system would help locating the flight crews and off-duty crews and direct them to the correct destination. The transaction processing systems (TIPS) used by Getable was not designed to handle a significant increase in activity. The principle purpose opts is to answer routing questions and to track the flow of transactions through the organization.

Due to an increased number of phone calls, the system was not able to perform those functions.

It also looks like Getable did not have a decision-support system (ADS) in place to support neurotic decision making. Since ADS focuses on problems that are unique and rapidly changing, it could have helped the company deal with the crisis more efficiently and effectively. Since a well designed SEES system would expose the fragility of the infrastructure, it can be assumed that company’s executive support systems (SEES) was either non-existing or did not function as intended. There was also no Customer Relationship Management System.

A well designed Customer Relationship Management System would allow Getable better communication with its customers.

During the crisis when so many flights were cancelled, the process of rebooking and looking for baggage became unmanageable. 5. Evaluation Stable’s response to the crisis. What solutions did the airline come up with? Throughout the debacle, Stable’s CEO David G. Mailmen was very visible and forthcoming with accountability and apologies.

On the technology front, Getable deployed new software that would send recorded message to pilots and flight attendants to inquire about their availability.

Once the call is returned, it would be entered into a system that stores the date for access and analysis. From a staffing point standpoint, the airline promised to create backups from the airline corporate office for the departments that were stretched too thin by the effects of the storm. Getable also created a customer r gnats to notice standards Tort customer treatment and airline behavior. The company changed its operational philosophy to make more accommodation for inclement weather. How were these solutions implemented?
