Ktm Case Study

Chapter 13 understand the definitions and recognize examples of: promotion mass selling advertising publicity sales promotion personal selling Understand the three promotion objectives and be able to recognize examples of when you would use each. Be able to recognize the communication model. What constitutes “noise”? What are the objectives of a direct response promotion? Understand the difference between a “push” and a “pull” strategy.

Know the characteristics of each of the 5 adopter groups. Deterrents how marketing strategy may change throughout different phases of the product life cycle. Understand the strengths and weaknesses associated with different methods of establishing a promotion budget. Chapter 14 Know the deference between an order taker, an order getter and a sales support person (Including missionary sales people and technical specialists). Know how to estimate the number of sales people required for a given sales force.

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Know what is job description. Know the advantages and disadvantages of the 3 sales force compensation methods.

Be addle to recognize ten tenure DSSSL sales presentation approaches. Chapter 15 How much is spent on advertising in the US annually? What part of advertising comprises the largest part of that expense? What medium comprised the largest part of that spending? Be able to distinguish between a good example of an adverting objective and a poor one. Know the difference between pioneering, competitive and reminder advertising and be able to recognize examples of each.

Know the difference between the 3 types of competitive advertising: direct, indirect and comparative.

What is institutional advertising? What is cooperative advertising? What are the advantage and disadvantages between various media choices? What is meant by copy thrust? What services can advertising agencies provide? How are agencies paid? How to measure advertising effectiveness? What is the Fat’s role in monitoring advertising? What are the 4 key problems in managing sales promotion? What is an advantage of a sales promotion? Chapter 16 What is the price equation? Be able to define and recognize each of the possible pricing objectives outlined in exhibit 16-4 on p. 15 of your text. Want Is mean Y to “sliming’ Ana “penetration” price polices Ana used? What is introductory price dealing? When Is can Be able to recognize examples of the various discount policies listed on p. 423 to 425 of your text.

What are the basic allowance policies as described on p. 425 to 428 of your text? What are rebates vs.. Coupons – advantages and disadvantages of each (for the manufacturer)? What is “zone pricing” and pricing”? What is price fixing? Is it ever legal? What legislation addresses price fixing?

What is price discrimination is it ever legal? What legislation addresses price discrimination? Chapter 17 How are “markups” calculated? Be able to calculate a mark-up chain as shown on pages 441 to 443. What is meant by a stock turn rate? Know the difference between fixed, variable and total costs. Be able to recognize examples of each.

Be able to calculate average cost and break even points. What is meant by price sensitivity, what conditions make consumers more price sensitive – less price sensitive?

Know definitions of: value in use pricing preference price leader pricing bait pricing psychological pricing AAA-even pricing price lining prestige pricing demand backward pricing. What is a Stockton rate and how is it related to turnover and profit? Chapter 18 Selective, exclusive and intensive distribution. Recall the definitions and examples for each of the consumer product classes convenience Shopping Specialty unsought products How is customer satisfaction determined? Why is it important to encourage customers to complain? What is the purpose of conducting a SOOT?
