Nutrition Case Study

Protein is important in a person’s nutrition as it helps in functionality of the body and building of muscles, skin and hair. The amount of protein taken differs with many factors, e.g.

the percentage of calories, mass, age, level of activity and health of a person. Infants require 10 grams of protein every day, teenage boys require 52 grams every day, teenage girls require 46 grams every day, adult men require 56 grams every day, adult women require 46 grams every day and pregnant women require 71 grams every day. Foods that contain protein include: fish, meat, nuts, eggs, vegetables, beans and grains. The best choice of meat to go for is one with low fat (Frances, Leonard, Eleanor 210). In order to determine the protein need of a person, we should use 0.

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8 for those in good health and values between 1 and 1.8 for those who are pregnant, stressed, ill or those who are involved vigorous training or weight lifting and multiply by the body weight in kilograms, e.g. a healthy 70 kg man should take (0.8×70) 56 grams of protein every day (Ellie, Eleanor, Sharon 193).

Intake of less proteins leads to a decrease in body energy, hair loss, depressed immune functionality, bloating and decreased body mass. Protein is said to be consumed in excess, when its intake is more than 2 grams per kilogram of body weight. Excess consumption of protein results to severe complications. It leads to a decrease in kidney function, kidney failure, increased excretion of calcium, dysfunction of the liver due to an increase in toxic residues. The residues occur, when the high amount of nitrogen in proteins is broken down to ammonia. This leads to an overload of the liver and can ultimately lead to its dysfunction.

In order to have a balanced diet, the right amounts of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, mineral salts and fibre should be eaten regularly. Carbohydrates and fats provide the energy, proteins are responsible for growth and repair, vitamins keep someone healthy, fibre helps the intestines to function efficiently and mineral salts maintain healthy teeth, bones and muscles. It is important to note that one should take plenty of water in a day.
