Olympic Games
The flirts stage of the project was agreeing precise specification (Terms or Reference) for the project, this means that it creates a measurable accountability for anyone that needs or wants to assess how the project is going or its success on completion at any time.
The project Terms of Reference also provide essential discipline and framework to keep the project on track. The project manager Is accountable for consulting with the rest of the team, including the project sponsors, and they have to agree the detailed project specification with superiors and relevant authorities.
If the pacification Is correctly formulated then this will protect the project manager from being held accountable for issues that are outside the original scope of the project or beyond their control. The Terms of Reference includes coming up with; * An accurate description of the alms and objectives of the project * The criteria and flexibilities Involved * Parameters, scope, range, outputs, sources, participants, budgets and timescales * Often, a business case is also required for the project to be justified, approved and funded at a corporate level, prior to the commencement of the detailed project landing.
Due to the fact that this is an extremely large project it took 1 year to produce a suitable project specification for the planning and land assembly part of were; Mission Statement of the ODD was “To deliver venues, facilities, infrastructure and transport for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralytic Games on time, to budget and to leave a lasting legacy. ” The objectives were; * Deliver the venues to time, to design and building specification within the agreed budget, providing for legacy use * Deliver necessary transport infrastructure for the
Games and devise and implement effective plans which also provide for legacy use * create infrastructure and facilities associated with the venues of the Games and agreed budget in accordance with the principles * Assist the LAD in the finalization of sustainable legacy plans for the Park and all venues They also had to plan the project at this stage and all the various stages and activities that would be involved with this.
Identify a project and explain what happens at each stage of the project life cycle Include estimated timescales for each stage