A study on Employee Absenteeism

In this paper he said that illness-related absences are highly seasonal, reaching a peak during the winter months (December to February) and a trough during the summer Oune to August). The high incidence in winter is likely related to the prevalence of communicable diseases at that time, especially colds and influenza. The low incidence during the summer may be partly because many employees take their vacation during these months. Because of survey design, those who fall ill during vacation will likely report ?vacation” rather than ?sickness or disability” as the main reason for being away from work.

Compared with the annual average, part-week absences are roughly 30% more prevalent in the winter months and almost 20% less so during the summer months.

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Seasonality is much less evident in full-week absences. 2. MariaJos© Romero and Young-Sun Lee has written a research paper A National Portrait of Chronic Absenteeism in the Early Grades. In this paper he focused on the following points: (i) How widespread is the Problem of Early Absenteeism? (it) Does Family Incomes Impact Early Absenteeism? (iii) What is the Impact of Early Absenteeism on Academic Achievement?
