
We live in a world of communication where information is passed from one source to another. In a football match, the coach is always seen having a formal talk to his players often with physical signs.

The coach talks with a lot of authority, with specific instructions to the players listening. This is very important that the coach asserts his authority to the players. The coach with help of signs seemed to give a strong statement to his players and the coach seemed to have the players’ ear as they listened to him keenly. As for the players, they seemed very interested often listening keenly and rarely questioning unless when they wanted to confirm about specifics. This is because they seemed to nod whenever the coach was speaking while trying to have a direct eye contact with the coach.

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When asked about something, the coach also had to keenly listen to the listener who could later follow keenly on the answer from the coach. The dynamics of relational context seemed to have pushed the listeners to have to form difference codes with that of the manager. The relational context seemed to be a persistent social force that constructed and spread the codes between the manager and hi players. The coach clearly is seen to be a master of his own game; he can make a situation and dictate on it. He wants to make the players confident and by the end of the talk, they really seemed confident.

The cultural context here was about the upbringing of the players by the coach. The players hold the coach’s opinions, thoughts and feelings in high regard. This most probably stems from their experience in the field; most of the time the coach is always right. The external noise was there but very minimal. A few spectators and fans were on the sidelines but were seen concentrated listening to what the coach was uttering.

The fans and spectators seemed also to respect the coach and because they were only minimal murmurs, the coach was really under control of the situation and the players as well as with the fans. The coach then can assert his authority and be seen to be under control by giving well coordinated instructions such that the players are not angered and create a scene in front of the small crowd.
