Inflows Founding Case Study

Inflows Founding Inflows was started in Jan 1981 by seven software engineers, most of whom were ex- employees of Patti Computer Systems an Indian Software development firm. Nary Murphy convinced six of his colleagues to quit their Jobs and focus on their passion of entrepreneurship, starting Inflows In the room of Murphy’s house financed by $250 borrowed from Murphy’s wife. The founders recognized a growing demand for customized software and saw this is an opportunity for suppliers in India.

They were focused on developing and delivering high quality customized software to clients in America.

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Even today two thirds of the company’s revenues are generated from customers In united States. Nary Murphy Nary Murphy had the biggest Influence of all the founders In shaping the work culture, values and policies at Inflows. His personal values of being a compassionate capitalist I. E. Using the rewards of capitalism to bring about social good deeply impacted the company’s policies towards its employees, customers and shareholders.

While he stepped down as Executive Chairman in 2011, Nary Murphy has been agonized with numerous rewards for his contribution to Inflows and Indian’s IT industry .

Inflows growth story Inflows struggled during the Minimal years of Its existence from 1981-1990, before Its growth aspirations were unleashed by the 1990 economic reforms In India. These economic reforms eased the access to foreign computers, on-site travel for client meetings and Import of services from foreign consultants.

While the economic reforms provided an opportunity to grow, Inflows was able to tap it better than any there firm due to its core work values and focus on employee satisfaction. Employee satisfaction at Inflows Inflows’ work ethic was largely shaped by Nary Murphy’s personal values, who identifies himself as a socialist at heart and capitalist in the mind. Murphy believed in sharing the profits with all of his employees and hence Inflows was the first company to offer employee stock options in India. Even at the time of founding the company, Mr.


Murphy had laid out that the company aim to be the most respected company, which meant fulfilling aspirations of all stakeholders including customers, shareholders and employees. To this end, Inflows provided technical and managerial trainings to employees to develop tenet SKI II sets Ana also aware teen Walt opportunities to utilize those skill sets for growing professionally and personally. Even for customers, Inflows was always focused on delivering high quality solutions to customers instead of Just taking up new customers to grow revenues. For egg, In 1998 Inflows turned down and walked away from the business of GE (who was

Inflows’ largest customer, generating 25% of its revenues) because GE re-negotiated prices to such a level that delivering high quality software was not possible. These core values of unrelenting focus on quality, providing an engaging work environment and sharing the benefits with employees, made Inflows the growth story of Indian’s IT industry.

References: 1 . Http://babies. In/PDF/Unwarrantably. PDF a. Nary Murphy was voted World Entrepreneur of the Year – 2003 by Ernst and b. The Economist ranked Nary Murphy eight on the list of the 15 most Young admired global leaders in 2005
