
Oncology is the study of cancer. Did you know there are a lot of different types ofoncologists? There is a medical oncologist, surgical oncologist, radiation oncologist, gynecologic oncologist, pediatric oncologist, and a hematology oncologist.

People think that you do not have time to learn about oncology,butyou do have time to learn about oncology. You can learn about oncology at home after school.You can learn about it a little bit at a time each day, so when college comes you will already know things about oncology. You will at least know more things than other people will know. After college, you can become an oncologist and help save people’s lives.

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Some people think that learning about oncology is not worth it but it is, because in the end you can help people and their families. Some people think that they don’t have the right tools or information to learn about oncology, but you can read stuff online or go to the library and get books to read about it, and you can always learn about something new. I have wanted to learn about oncology for a long time because I know people that have died from cancer so I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I know for a fact that people every day die from cancer, I want to help save lives. There is a lot of things you need to do before you become an onocolgist. You need 4 years of college, 4 years of medical school, and 3 years working in a hospitial.

For some specialties, doctors may have to work for up to 8 years before they are fully treined. Once you are a fully working oncologist, you can expect to make roughly $300,000-$400,000 a year, depending on your specialty. For an example is proste cancer. Did you know that about 238,590 new cases of prostate cancer have been diagnosed in the U.S.

in 2013? About 29,720 men will die of prostate cancer. 1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during their lifetime.Your chances of getting prostate cancer are 1 in 3 if you have a close relative with the disease. The risk jumps to 83 percent if two close relatives, father or brothers, have been diagnosed with the disease. Did you know that African Americans have the highest rate of prostate cancer in the world? Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of male cancer-related death in the U.

S.. Prostate cancer occurs primarily in older men. Nearly two-thirds of men diagnosed with prostate cancer are 65 or older. There are no consistent or noticeable symptoms of prostate cancer while it is still in the early stages.

Before early detection through PSA screening, only 1 in 4 prostate cancer cases was found while still in the early stages. There is a new debate about the effectiveness of the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) screened. Consult with your primary care physician about whether you should be screened. Nearly 100 percent of men diagnosed with prostate cancer while the cancer is in early stages are still alive five years after diagnosis. An oncologist is a person that helps patients with cancer, and there are many people in the world that need help and Oncologists can help them.
