A. Fib case study

What is trial fibrillation, how is this different from normal rhythm? Answer: Trial fibrillation is a rapid chaotic rhythm in the upper chamber of the heart. It is different than normal rhythm because normally the heart sinus node during normal rhythm; the upper chamber contracts and then the lower chamber contracts.

When you develop trial fibrillation the upper chamber suddenly starts beating at rapid rates 300 to 600 beats a minute, in a very chaotic fashion, and that result in the lower chamber of the heart beating typically between 80 and 130 beats err minute, again in a rapid chaotic fashion. Trial fibrillation is not a life-threatening arrhythmia, but it can be serious and that trial fibrillation is closely linked to strokes. So if a patient has trial fibrillation they have about a five-fold increased risk of stroke. (Dewitt, S.

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C. (2013).

Medical-surgical nursing: concepts & practice (2nd De. ). SST.

Louis, Mo. : Elsevier Saunders). 2. What is the purpose of the warring (Commanding) in K. N. Case? Commanding (warring) is an anticoagulant (blood thinner).

Warring reduces the formation of blood clots. Commanding is used to prevent heart attacks, strokes, and loud clots in veins and arteries. (About Warring. (n. D.

). Warring. Retrieved July 3, 2014, from http://health. Scuds. Du/specialties/anticoagulation) 3.

What is a APT/INNER test, and what are the expected levels for K.

N? What is the purpose of the INNER? The promoting time (APT) test is ordered to help diagnose unexplained bleeding and may be used to screen people for any previously undetected bleeding problems prior to surgical procedures. (Dewitt, S. C. (2013). Medical-surgical nursing: concepts & practice (2nd De.

). SST. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier Saunders). The APT and INNER are used to monitor the effectiveness of the anticoagulant warring. This drug affects the function of the coagulation and helps inhibit the formation of blood clots.

It is prescribed on a long-term basis to people who have experienced recurrent Inappropriate blood clotting. Common clinical indications for warring use are trial fibrillation, the presence of artificial heart valves, deep venous thrombosis, and pulmonary embolism. The goal with warring therapy is to maintain a balance between preventing clots and causing excessive bleeding. This balance requires careful monitoring, typically by APT/INNER. INNER test measures how long it takes your blood to clot (APT and INNER.

(n. D. ). APT/INNER: The Test.

Retrieved July 3, 2014, from http:// liberationists.

Org/understanding/analyses). The expected levels for K. N. Is to have an INNER of 2. 0 to 3.

0 for basic “blood-thinning” needs. For some who have a high risk of clot formation, the INNER needs to be higher – about 2. 5 to 3. 5. The doctor will use the INNER to adjust a person’s drug dosage to get the APT into the desired range that is right for the person and their condition. (APT and INNER.

(n. D. ). APT/INNER: The Test. Retrieved July 3, 2014, from http://liberationists. Org/understanding/analyses).


When you get the results, his INNER is critical at 7. 2. What is the danger of this INNER level? If your INNER is too high, it means that it takes a long time for your blood to clot. Iris may increase your risk for dangerous, uncontrollable bleeding. You should consider the emergency room and skip a dose, consider 2.

OMG by mouth of vitamin k and check I NOR daily to get to therapeutic level (Management to Elevated IN Nearing. Retrieved July 3, 2014, from http://health. Scuds. Du/specialties/ anticoagulation/providers/warring/pages/elevated-inner. Asps)..
