Case Study Physical examination

She is under a lot of pressure at work, because her boss is rushing her to finish an office project before the deadline. Her family history indicates that her mother had “bad cholesterol”, and died at ay/o of a “heart problem”. Physical examination: the patient is slightly pale; P = 140/80 mm Hag, Heart Rate = 80/min, irregular. Her blood test results are: -CB with the differential WEB count: within the reference range mild hyperthermia -LOW HUDDLE ratio Her other blood test parameters are within normal limits.

Electrolytes: very After a panel of other test and studies Mrs.. Smith was diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease (Angina Pectoral). Questions 1 . What predisposing factors that could contribute to Mrs.

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. Smith’s condition? A. Smoker alcohol, high BP 2. Discuss the protective factors that would prevent Mrs..

Smith from developing Coronary artery disease. Exercise, 3. What are the possible complications of Mrs.. Smith’s condition? 4.

What other diseases would you be “looking for” in this patient, and why?

Coronary Artery Disease also known as Angina Pectoral is considered to be the most common type of heart disease and the leading cause of death for men and women NIH 2014). Mrs.. Smith has been diagnosed with Coronary Artery Disease after close supervision and analysis. The patient’s history of activity predisposes much of the reason why she attained Coronary Artery Disease. For instance, the Mrs.

. Smith is a chronic smoker, considering the fact that she smokes approximately 20 cigarettes equaling to 1. 2 cigarettes per hour.

According to Terry Martin, smoking 20 cigarettes day puts about the same amount of stress on the heart as 90 pounds of extra “eight (Martin 2014). Smoking cigarettes will increase a person’s metabolic rate by forcing the heart to beat at a faster rate. The heart beat increases 10 to 20 times more per minute once a cigarette is inhaled, causing extra unnecessary stress on the heart (Martin 2014).

Another crucial predisposing facto that could have contributed to Mrs.. Smith condition is the high levels of stress she is enduring. Mrs..

Smith stated hat near boss is putting near under a great amount to stress.

Unmanaged stress can influence many negative traits towards the body. For example, unmanaged stress can lead to unhealthy levels of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortical. Many studies suggest that stress alters the blood texture and may cause blood clots, and increases the risk of heart attack (Mended 2014). M. D.

Foghorns states that chronic emotional stress can cause atherosclerosis via inflammation of the blood vessels, Inch in turn can lead to coronary artery disease (Foghorns 2011). Mrs.. Smith’s family history also serves as a predisposing factor that
