A Report on Brand Positioning
[pic][pic][pic] APROJECT REPORTON A Study on Brand Positioning of Birla Cement withSpecial Reference to Bhilwara AtBirla Corporation LimitedChanderia, ChittorgarhRajasthan (India) FOR THE PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF”MASTERES IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION”2008-2010 SUBMITTED TO: SUBMITTED BY:Mr. VIBHOR PALIWAL H AMIT GHAWARIMr.
RAHUL JAIN Vision School of Management(Affiliated to Rajasthan Technical University Kota AICTE Approved)E-Mail : vision_mgmt@yahoo. comWebsite : visionmanagement. org [pic] DECLARATION I, AMIT GHAWARI, hereby declare that the project report entitled””A Project on Brand Positioning” under the guidance of Mr.D. S. SHARMA submitted in partially fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree of Master of Business Administration to Rajasthan Technical University, Kota is myoriginal work – research study – carried out during18thMay, 2009to26thJune,2009 and not submitted for the award of any degree, diploma, fellowship or other similar titles or prizes to any other institution/organization or university by anyother person.
Date : / / 09 SIGNATUREPlace: Chittorgarh (AMIT GHAWARI) (VIBHOR PALIWAL) (RAHUL JAIN) [pic] PREFACEFounded in 1919 by the visionary industrialist, Shri G.D. Birla , at the outskirts of the then Calcutta . Birla Manufacturing Company Ltd. was the first company of Birlaindustrial conglomerate.
Under the stewardship of his nephew, Shri M. P. Birla , thecompany diversified and expanded its business interest beyond cement, jute, PVC goods,steel casting and auto trims. Birla Corporation Limited is the flagship company of M. P. Birla group.
It has variety in its basket. The core business of Birla Corporation limited iscement, generating 93% of the revenue for the company, 6% jute and 1% from other sectors. The project entitled KNOWING BRAND POSITIONING OF BIRLASAMRAT CEMENT IN BHILWARA MARKET. ” The term of study was keptlimited to make the title true. The focus of the report is to get the crystal clear understanding of the Brand positioning of Birla Samrat Cement in Rajasthan. Particularlyin Bhilwara owing the status of heart of Rajasthan.
With the growing Indian economyand the government policies for infrastructure the demand for cement is increasing andseeing this as an opportunity we are under taking many new projects for expansion of the production which are under implementation for increasing the capacity of the plants.Brand position has been taken into the consideration by two ways – overall study of thewhole Birla Market & by Doing Survey of whole cement market of above mentioned twocities. The project contains the basic things which are necessary for knowing Brand-Positioning of Company. Firstly is the Market Research is done by me in Bhilwara by Taking SIX major Brands Birla Samrat Cement, Ambuja Cement, UltratechCement, Binani Cement, J. K. Laxmi Cement & Shree Cement.
Data collected by meonly from Dealers .After data collection Research Methodology is done & find out theBrand-Positioning of cement in Bhilwara. In a nut-shell after the completion of my Brief & Vast report on the crucial subjectmatter of “Knowing the Brand-Position of Birla Corporation Limited”. I in my longlasting view has brought an eternal light towards “Findings, Suggestions & Constraints”regarding the Brand Position of the Birla Corporation which can play a vital role intaking it to the heights of the Success & goodwill to capture a good market share in this Neck-To-Neck Competition Creating hyper tension. [pic]ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Words are indeed inadequate to convey my deep sense of gratitude to all thosewho have helped me in completing my summer project to the best of my ability.
Being a part of this project has certainly been a unique and a very productive experience on my part. I am really thankful to Mr. D. S. Sharma (G. M.
Maketing) for making all kindsof arrangements to carry the project successfully and for guiding and helping me to solveall kinds of quarries regarding the project work. His systematic way of working and incomparable guidance has inspired the pace of the project to a great extent.I would also like to thank my mentor and project – coordinator, Mr. Mukesh Dad(Assistant Manager Marketing TCS) for assigning me a project of such a great learningexperience and acquainting me with real life project financing and appraisal. This project also would not have been successful without the help of Dr.
S. K. Jain (Dy. G. M.
HRD). Last but not least I would like to thank all the employees of BirlaCorporation Ltd. who have directly or indirectly helped me with their moral support for the completion of my project. I express my deep sense of gratitude to Dr.A. L.
Jain (Director of Vision Schoolof Management, Chittorgarh) for his valuable guidance during my report work. I alsogreatful to all Faculty members Dr. Snehal Maheshkar , Mr. Vibhor Paliwal , Mrs. Pratibha Pagaria , Miss. Shobhika Tyagi , Mr.
Rahul Jain and Staff members Mr. Purshottam Dashora , Mr. Rastraverdhan who guided me in my project. AMIT GHAWARI Vision School of ManagementChittorgarh [pic] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This project report is prepared as the partial fulfillment of two year degree programme of MBA curriculum of Rajasthan Technical University, Kota.This Research project is acompulsory part of the academics. This research is done in the Third semester of theMBA program.
In this research, I have attempted the research about Brand Positioning. Positioning is one of the key elements of modern marketing management (Kotler, 2000). The overall purpose of this research is to indentify the Brand Position of Birla cement inBhilwara market. I have taken six major cement brands for this research. The wholeresearch is based on Dealer & Sub Dealer survey. The project is followed by 8 Chapters.
Chapter 1 :Introduction of Cement Industry, Current Scenario in India, growth inProduction & consumption, Birla Corporation history, subsidiariescompanies, types of cement, manufacturing process of cement, standardrequirement of raw material, distribution channel & SWOT analysis. Chapter 2 : Definition & concept of brand positioning, brand positioning strategy,competitive study among various cement brands. Chapter 3 : Research methodology, objective of research. Chapter 4 : Analysis & interpretation of collect data’s. Chapter 5 : Findings & conclusionsChapter 6 : Suggestions Chapter 7 : References cited Chapter 8 : AnnexureThis report is an honest work towards the topic. There can be many short comings in it because of the lack of the time, unavailability of data and other constraints.
Project on Brand Positioning of Birla Cement(AMIT GHAWARI Vision School of Mgmt. Chittorgarh Download this Document for FreePrintMobileCollectionsReport Document Report this document? Please tell us reason(s) for reporting this document Top of Form [pic] [pic] [pic]Spam or junk [pic]Porn adult content pic]Hateful or offensive If you are the copyright owner of this document and want to report it, please follow these directions to submit a copyright infringement notice. Report Cancel Bottom of Form This is a private document. Info and Rating Reads: 8,215 Uploaded: 04/21/2010 Category: Uncategorized. Rated: Copyright: Attribution Non-commercial [pic] PreviousNext 1. [pic]p.
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