British Airways

Vision-culture-image model Surely at the time of the lunch BAA would have said it did everything right after the BAA privatized. Lots vision was global, its culture was service-oriented and Its Image as”the world’s favorite airline”was ready for modification teethe undisputed leader In world would position BAA for global brand extension,Yet ,even though BAA had all the pieces of vision ,culture and Image In place. Lots corporate branding program lacked the Integration of these elements. First , Bag’s culture did not support Its violin. Instead ,employees ,who were being subjected to another round of cost cutting at the time of launching the new brand.

Triggered a strike by cabin crew ,who apparently did not agree with the new corporate values . Second , the Images key stakeholders associated with BAA were not in line with the airline’s new global vision,and employees behavior,which was still firmly rooted in a sense of Brutishness and stakeholder images. Finally, BAA experienced a rift between its culture and image symbolized by the re-positioning of TTS global ambition and the look of its planes and its service.

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Question 2 In order to avoid this and to essentially better align its vision ,culture and image, senior management can do following actions: On the one hand , senior manager should integrate the organization behind the corporate brand . Gaps between vision ,culture and images the size of those found at BAA suggest the presence of organizational walls between HARM,marketing and communication that we believe will have to be removed or reduced in order for Bag’s corporate brand to be supported internally.

On the another hand , Assess the relationship between vision, culture and images.

The BAA case shows how dangerous it is to develop vision ,culture and images in isolation from each other . Therefore , as senior manager , they should beginning the process of corporate branding with an honest assessment of both culture and image as a prelude to developing and communicating a strategic vision. CASE STUDY . British Airways By Richweed Tonal Question
