Herbert satisfaction Case Study

These factors are variously known as titivation, satisfiers or Job content factors. When questioned as to when they felt DOD about their work employees tended to attribute these characteristics to themselves. On the other hand, when they were dissatisfied, they tended to attribute it to extrinsic factors such as company policy and administration, supervision, Morning conditions, salary, status, security and interpersonal relations . These factors known as dissatisfies ,hygiene factors, maintenance factors or Job- context factors.

According to Herbert satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opposite poles of one dimension, they are two separate dimensions.

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Satisfaction is affected by motivators and dissatisfaction by hygiene factors. This is the key idea of Herbert and it has important implications for mangers. The motivation theory of Herbert show that staff works better when valued, felt good about their work and have Job satisfaction. Siemens has three main development programs, which is designing for ‘Entry level talent’.

This entry-level talent means fresh graduates who are going to begin their career with Siemens after education. For these new talents they are developing three programs.

* Apprenticeships * Siemens Commercial Academy Siemens Graduate Programs Apprenticeships: People become skilled worker through a combination of classroom instruction and on-the-Job training by a structured process called apprenticeships. Siemens offer different types of technical apprenticeships like traffic signal or design engineer and this apprenticeship aimed to school leavers.

This apprenticeship program is very effective for Siemens as this is a off-the Job college training and on-the Job work experience. 1. Majority of workers are starting their Morning life from their hometown, so they can work comfortably in known workplace. Apprentice training can give them HAND qualification in related field.

3. Communication skill and ability to work in team needed, so Siemens can ensure better workforce. 4. Employees can get experience and attachment to the company, a feeling of trust and responsibility is established.

That is why Siemens believes apprenticeships provide a clear route in developing staff for the future growth of the organization. Siemens Commercial Academy: It launched in 2005 to ensure the entrance of financial and commercial talents Nothing Siemens Company.

It aimed to the students of Business and finance. . Its time duration to tour years established an alternative to going directly to university Therefore, those, students can graduate with a real life experience with Siemens. 2. It includes various finance and commercial placements like Accounting, Human Resource, and Procurement and Corporate areas.

Therefore, they can specialize to them in various ways. 3. This program supports European College of Business Management Degree with personnel development training such as communication and presentation skills. 4. Specialized program like Information technology and rebel communication like Language training in German is also available.

5. This program helps them to enable multitasking as they are learning and doing Jobs in Siemens. 6. It is very effective program for them, because at the same time, they can earn valuable experience and formal or Job related learning.

They are becoming an asset of Siemens, because of their chance of innovation, and solving ability of financial problem in future for Siemens.

Siemens Graduation Programmer: Siemens graduation programs is a training program in different but relevant field for the graduates. Siemens recruits graduate into three core areas of the business. These are engineering, information technology, and business. Each graduate, who Joined in Siemens, treated as an individual. So, they can discuss with their line manager, when they start, to decide on graduate’s individual training and development plan.

Therefore, they can develop themselves by their own choice in relevant field.

For example, graduates of IT can do some training program on Simulation computer programming or Design software. 2. Siemens supports graduate to gain further qualifications. So their graduate profile can be refrying by taking training through popular institution such as DIET or Mimic. 3.

Graduates can obtain different type of training. Therefore, they can earn extra qualification in different sectors. Like Graduates of engineering can take a course on HER or supply chain management to work on different project with their varieties of knowledge in Siemens Company 4.

Siemens supports their graduate employee in studies to gain such qualification like CUPID in distance learning to establish a talent pipeline and best employee image. That is how Siemens entry-level development program can thrive to their business growth. Siemens implemented the Siemens Graduate Development Programmer in 2005, as a means of developing graduates with the essential skills set they need in their everyday role and to equip them for a long-term career at Siemens.

Every graduate that Joins Siemens, regardless of role or location Joins the 2 year programmer.

This consists of 9 modules including team working, customer focus, project management, communication skills, and business writing. The training is hosted at a number of Siemens sites, so graduates get exposure to different parts of Siemens, learn about the business, and network amongst the graduate population. He motivation theory of Herbert show that staff works better when valued, felt good about their work and have Job satisfaction, and opportunity for growth. Siemens till the most vi tall aspects to motivation theory to Herbert.

Siemens developmental programmer provide opportunities for employees development, career growth, Job satisfaction and self motivated . This will deliver long term commitment and benefits to the company. Q: Identify four benefits to Siemens of it’s in- depth training and development of Norse? Training and development programs of Siemens give them varieties of infinite and advantage. Such as improvement of services and customer feedback, responding to competition with other multinational companies and creating greater bib satisfaction.

Five benefits that Siemens can attain through training and development: Flexible adaptable employees take on new roles and technology: Siemens is a place of learning and development.

It is a place for innovation. Because most of Siemens sector is automation, drive technology, energy, financial solution, healthcare, mobility, lighting, IT solutions, consumer products and building technologies. Therefore, new invention and innovation is an important matter for Siemens. Siemens is now working on a broad global arena.

Therefore, their training and development can enable flexible and adaptable employees to respond with new environment and situation. They can take new role by completing training program and making new invention in technology.

Improving productivity and earning more revenue: Training and development program increases the productivity of existing employees because of new skill with new demographics and situations. Training and development is less costly than recruiting of new staff. Therefore, they are earning more revenue.

In addition, trained employees are more confident, enthusiastic and skilled. Therefore, they can manage their Jobs easily. Long-term employee commitment: Siemens ensures long-term employee commitment by possessing development programs such as apprenticeships.

These programs are attaching employees with Siemens from their study level and they are going to stay here for long time for their own development and future qualification. Therefore, it creates a long-term employee commitment by establishing trust, company society and accessibility for Siemens.

Employee confidence, motivation and Job satisfaction: Employee confidence and motivation increased when they are going though by different development process. By improving development opportunities, employees feel the company values them. The staff works better when valued that create long- term commitment and benefits to the company.

Q: Analyze how Siemens uses training and development to ensure growth in its business? Training and development helps the growth of a business. Business objective means the long term targets set by a business to ensure success.

As Siemens provide training to their employees to improve their performance as well as have up-to-date knowledge and skills remain competent in the highly competitive market. This makes the employee motivated and confident. In addition, they have updated knowledge so they are the asset for the organization. The employees feel valued and stay longer in organization.

Thus, training and development ensures that it is able to achieve its business Objectives. Moreover, as the employees stay longer in the organization, that reduces the recruitment cost and which increases the profit margin.

To keep its world-leading position and grow in a competitive market, Siemens aims to deliver quality products and services. To do this, it needs people with high skills, knowledge and capability in engineering, Intimation technology and business. So achieve their business objectives they need skilled factory workers, trade apprenticeships, designers and managers. Training and development is important because, well-trained staff who remain with the business mean that customer enjoy continuity, this leads to customer loyalty and establish a great brand value.

Repeat business is also established. That means consumers who make further, subsequent purchase the service or product. An organizations primary business objective is to make profit. So trained employee can make more profit by their skills and cost of new employees can reduce by effective training program. In addition, valued, satisfied and skilled employee can empower the organization and gain a competitive advantage.

By training and development program, Siemens can ensure its long-term business objectives. Q: Explain how an appraisal system can help to motivate employees?

Appraisals regularly record an assessment of an employee’s performance, potential ND development needs. The appraisal is an opportunity to take an overall view of Norm content, loads and volume, to look back on what has been achieved during the reporting period and agree objectives for the next. Appraisals can benefit both employers and employees by improving Job performance, by making it easier to identify strengths and weaknesses and by determining suitability for development. Or measure the effectiveness of its training and development, Siemens uses an appraisal system, known as a Performance Management process.

This helps to focus everyone on the developing needs of the business.

Annually, the results form the basis of a staff dialogue where the employee’s manager reviews the progress towards the objectives that have been set. Feedback is discussed with the employee and any development needs are captured in order to decide appropriate training. Together, new objectives for the following year ahead are set. In some instances, appraisals are linked to pay reviews. In these cases, pay rises depend on employees meeting or exceeding their objectives.

There are several benefits for Siemens in using appraisal.

It can ensure that all raining is being used well and for the best interests of the company keep all staff up-to-date in a fast changing business make sure that staff are well motivated get feedback from staff on changes make sure staff are involved Appraisal can improve communications by giving employees an opportunity to talk about their ideas and expectations and to be told how they are progressing. This process can also improve the quality of working life by increasing mutual understanding between managers and employees and motivates the employees to Improve their performance and productivity.
