Case Study: Integumentary System

1. What observations did Judy make concerning her mole? How could they have used the Facade’s of skin cancer assessment to further assist their observations? Judy states the site Is Itching- It never was In the past. That the mole appears bigger and raised dot In the middle with Jagged edges and color changes.

  • The mole has changed shape
  • Jagged edges
  • Three colors in the mole
  • The mole was larger than before
  • Raised in the middle
  • Just by knowing these simple rules it would have told the girls that there was concern about skin cancer.

2. Should Judy be concerned? Why or why not?

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Yes, Judy should be concerned. Any skin changes can mean something Is going on inside the body. It is the warning sign that your body give you.

Part Basics of Cancer”

Integumentary System Case Study

Questions ?. Considering the differences between a benign tumor and a malignant tumor, why might a benign tumor be easier to treat?

Malignant – Malignant tumors are cancerous they can Invade and destroy nearby tissue and spread to other parts of the body.

Benign- Is not cancerous. Benign tumors may grow larger but do not spread to other parts of the body.

Benign tumors most AT time can De removed Ana tattles Ana cells around en tumor are not affected. Chemotherapy and other testing would not have to be performed and less visits to the doctor are needed to watch the site.

Questions ??. Judy learned that every single person has these cell cycle genes so cells in our body can divide when necessary.

3. What are some normal circumstances where our bodies might need to make more cells? Why is the skin continuously replacing its main cell and what specific damages to the skin would there be a need to make more cells?

The epidermis is exposed to everything from natural elements like wind and water to manmade chemicals on a daily basis.

At the skin surface there are millions of dead cells that slough off and the epidermis is completely renewed every 25-45 days. If a person touches something hot and gets a burn or blister that opens up the person’s body will make new cells and heal the wounds and burns.

4. Every person has these cell cycle proto-nosecones, but not every person has cancer. Why might this be the case? 

We all have them because in normal, healthy cells they are what regulate cell growth and division. A person with a mutated form of the nosecone is at an increased risk or developing cancer because cell growth is not going to be normal.

Basically what happens is that the mutated nosecones interfere with the “timer” that tells a cell not to divide anymore. So now what we have is out of control cell growth, better known as a tumor. The reason that not everyone has cancer is because while everyone has the nosecones, not everyone has a mutated form of them “Like Mother, Like Daughter? “

Questions part Ill

1. Now that you know a little more, what are the risk factors that increase a person’s chances of having melanoma? Besides the Facade’s, what other signs/symptoms can Eleanor present with on a patient? 

Other signs and symptoms of melanoma could be: A sore that does not heal, spread of pigment from the border of a spot to surrounding skin, redness or a new swelling beyond the border, change in sensation – itchiness, tenderness, or pain, and a change in the surface off mole – silliness, oozing, bleeding, or the appearance of a bump or nodule.

2. How does sunlight contribute to the development of melanoma?

V rays nave Eden snows to cause gallants Mage to ten DNA AT unman melancholy skin cells.

Ameliorates have a reduced capacity to repair DNA damage room IV radiation, they mutate more frequently, potentially leading to the development of melanoma

3. What does it mean to be predisposed to getting cancer? If you inherit a mutated cell cycle gene, does that automatically mean that you will get cancer some day? If you inherit a mutated cell cycle gene and participate in risky behaviors such as sunbathing, does that mean that you will automatically get cancer some day?

A genetic predisposition is an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on a person’s genetic makeup. Inheriting a mutated cell cycle gene does not mean 100% that you will get cancer but it does mean you are at greater risk. Risky behaviors do not mean you will automatically get cancer but again you are increasing your odds of mutation to the second copy of the gene due to the risky behaviors.

4. What is the prevalence and occurrence for Melanoma? What are the treatment options and success rates for melanoma? 

Of the seven most common cancers in the US, melanoma is the only one whose incidence is increasing.

Between 2000 and 2009, incidence climbed 1.9 percent annually On average, a person’s risk for melanoma doubles if he or she has had more than eve sunburns Melanoma is the most common form of cancer for young adults 25-29 years old and the second most common form of cancer for young people 15-29 years old Treatment is determined by the stage of cancer Stage O melanomas have not grown deeper than the epidermis.

They are usually treated by surgery to remove the melanoma and a margin of about 1/2 CM of normal skin around it. Stage I melanoma is treated by wide excision. The amount of normal skin removed depends on the thickness of the Eleanor, but no more than 2 CM of normal skin needs to be removed from all sides of the melanoma Stage II wide excision is the standard treatment for stage II melanoma.

The amount of normal skin removed depends on the thickness of the melanoma, but it should be no more than 2 CM around all sides of the melanoma.

Because the melanoma may have spread to lymph nodes near the melanoma, many doctors recommend a sentinel lymph node Dollops as well. Stage Ill these cancers have already reached the lymph nodes when the melanoma is first ignored. Surgical treatment for stage Ill melanoma usually requires wide excision of the primary tumor as in earlier stages, along with lymph node dissection.

Adjutant therapy with interferon may help keep some melanomas from coming back longer. Another option is to give radiation therapy to the areas where the lymph nodes were removed, especially if many of the nodes contain cancer. Stage IV melanomas are very hard to cure, as they have already spread to distant lymph nodes or other areas of the body.

Skin tumors or spread to the lymph nodes causing symptoms can often e removed by surgery or treated with radiation therapy. Metastases in internal organs are sometimes removed, depending on how many there are, where they are, and how likely they are to cause symptoms.

Metastases that cause symptoms but cannot be removed may be treated with radiation, impenetrably, targeted therapy, or chemotherapy. The treatment of widespread melanomas has changed in recent years as newer forms of impenetrably and targeted drugs have been shown to be more effective than chemotherapy. The overall 5-year survival rate for patients whose melanoma is detected early, before the tumor has spread to regional lymph nodes or other organs, is about 98 percent in the US.
