Case study of failures to protect funurable adults

I reluctantly studied the case regarding Wintergreen, In Bristol. I used Information found on the BBC Panorama website, and with rewet also watched the film that was made on the case. In this case young vulnerable adults were abused in a shocking way. This case consisted of a large number of staff members that for what seemed like entertainment purposes, intentionally abused its patients. It was a case in which they used most forms of abuse, physical, emotional, institutional and neglect.

Over a number of years the company’s managers and the

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ICQ had received many accounts of complaints and weightlessness. These were wrongly never acted or followed up on in the correct manner. In the end a senior career decided that they would contact the BBC, they decided to start an undercover investigation into the allegations. They trained and sent an undercover reporter to record the abuse and this finally led to the prosecution of many staff members and closure of the facility. During the investigation on a number of events patients were often pointlessly restrained, In a violent manner.

This led to a patient even receiving a broken arm. It also bared witness to patients being emotionally tormented for entertainment. It showed managers and nurses witness and ignore abusive situations which should of led to further investigations, suspensions and prosecutions. The BBC Panorama programmer showed footage of patients being wrestled to the floor to be restrained, the use of water-based punishment and unequal games of strength which the patients could not possibly win. Let showed patients beg the abusers to stop repeatedly and abusers show no humanity.

The report showed that they targeted certain patients because they were more challenging to deal with, and were unable to defend themselves or speak out. Any member of staff that tried to complain was met by a wall of silence. The report says the board “acknowledges that Its safeguarding policy and procedures were Inconsistently applied and that their Investigation and management of referrals were sometimes poor. It did not challenge the hospital’s failure to produce reports nor some of the decisions of police colleagues”.

The board’s chairman, Peter Murphy, aid: “On behalf of the organizations which make up the board – including the council, the NASH, Avon and Somerset police and the Care Quality Commission – I would like to take the opportunity to convey our deep regret for the events that took place at Wintergreen View private hospital. In particular, I would like to express our regret to the hospital’s patients and to their families, friends and careers. “Wintergreen View should have been a safe place for them to be treated with care and compassion. ” “But the owners, Setback Care Ltd. Failed to provide that care.

Instead It left vulnerable adults in the hands of poorly trained and poorly supervised staff who dealt out torment and abuse to those entrusted to their care.

” “Many of those staff have now been subject to criminal proceedings and this should send out a powerful message – that where employees engage in this kind of criminal behavior, teen wall De neon to account. ” Although teen case NAS Eden Celt Walt according now, I regretfully doubt that the patients nor the parents will ever forget the trauma they substantiate in the failure to protect these venerable people. Lauren Simmons
