Case Study on Ballistics

Ballistics Case Study:

Ballistics is the science – a branch of mechanics, which studies the movement and collision of projectiles, such as bullets, bombs and rockets. Naturally, with the rapid development of technologies, the weapon is developed too and the majority of types of weapon destroy the opponent from the long distance without the direct contact of the killer and the victim.Ballistics is the science which got its popularity after the invention of gun and powder.

The first research on the peculiarities of the direction of the flight of projectiles was conducted in 1546. Due to the inventions and intellectual contribution into physics of such great minds as Galileo and Newton, people got the opportunity to study the direction of flight of cannonballs, bullets and other projectiles.With the development of weapon, the character of war changed and the knowledge on ballistics became extremely valuable. With the run of time guns and bullets were improved according to the latest research on ballistics.The 20th century is famous for the application of differential equation in ballistics, what made a serious contribution into the science.

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The invention of nuclear weapon increased the importance of ballistics to the highest level, because the projectiles moving from the ordinary weapon are influenced only by temperature, pressure and speed of the wind, while nuclear ballistic missiles are also influenced by Earth’s rotation rate. Ballistics is also applied in forensic sciences in order to provide the police with the technical information about the origin of the criminal’s bullet and to define whether the bullet was shot from the criminal’s gun.Ballistics is an important topic for the research, because the student who is interested in physics and mechanics in particular will be able to observe the issue in detail and get something new for his personal background knowledge. A case study based on ballistics is supposed to contain a detailed description of the problem under research. One should collect as many facts on the issue as possible to complete a well-analyzed paper worth professor’s attention. The student has the opportunity to learn about the cause of the problem on ballistics and its effect on the science.

Furthermore, one can brainstorm a good solution to the problem and compare it with the actual one.The young person who is not aware about the right approach towards writing is able to find the constructive piece of advice on composition and format of the assignment reading a free example case study on ballistics made by the experienced writer. When one requires additional help on the selection of the methodology for the objective research, he can find the advice in a free sample case study on forensic ballistics found online.
