PESTEL Analysis

PEST Analysis of Microsoft: What can prove disastrous for the technology company?

Everyone knows Microsoft. If you’re not running an Apple device, chances are you’re using a Windows Operating system. Unfortunately, the laptop and PC industry isn’t as strong as it once was. Future success in this realm is still possible. But it’s much more strenuous than ever before. There’s also trouble brewing with data breaches. Some […]

PESTEL/PESTLE Analysis of The Retail Industry

The retail industry is everywhere. Literally. You don’t have to walk down the street to your favorite shop anymore. Just turn on your smartphone and start shopping online. With the help of technology, retail is one of those industries that can survive post-economic destruction. It’s always there, even when buyers don’t have the funds to […]

PEST Analysis Of PepsiCo

Did you know PepsiCo was founded 119 years ago? Your grandparents likely remember when Pepsi Cola first appeared in their iconic glass bottles. But the company don’t just offer carbonated drinks anymore. They’ve branched out into snack foods too like Doritos, Gatorade, and Tropicana. You would think a company as large and recognizable as PepsiCo […]

How To Solve The Biggest Problems With PESTLE Analysis

You’ve got a business problem. Maybe you’ve had one before. Like tax issues. Or a shift in political parties (and their new regulations) strangles production value. Perhaps you’re considering expanding into another state or country and don’t want any more surprises (because surprises in business are rarely a good thing). PESTLE analysis can help you […]

Why We Love PEST Analysis (And You Should, Too!)

We discuss PEST a lot here. It’s even in the name at the top! PEST analysis is a type of analysis, often used as a strategic tool for business owners, analysts, and the general public. You don’t have to be an obsessive nerd to know or use PEST analysis. But you should have a need. […]

The Best And Worst Times To Use PESTLE Analysis

You’re ready. You’ve done your research. You know PESTLE is an analysis. It’s an acronym highlighting seven macro environmental, impeding factors. Which basically means there are seven major influences that can affect a business. Political Economic Socio(cultural) Technological Legal Environmental You’ve likely seen examples of PESTLE analysis (available right here!) but that typically doesn’t explain […]

Your 4 Top Questions About PESTLE Analysis Answered

We always openly discuss PESTLE analysis, but we rarely address the common questions people have regarding it. It’s one thing to know how to do a PESTLE analysis. Understanding why, when, and how to use it is an entirely different beast. I’m clearing that up today by discussing the top questions you’re likely to have […]

PEST Analysis of the Beer Industry

The beer market in the United States alone is a $110 billion dollar industry. According to the Brewers Association, volume beer sales in the United States were down 1 percent in 2017, but craft brewer sales increased by 5 percent. It seems microbreweries are growing substantially. These little guys, offering niche products for a limited […]

PEST Analysis of McDonald’s: Which factors affect their future success

The highlight of every kid’s day – taking a trip to McDonald’s. You remember sitting in the back seat, bouncing around, waiting to see those familiar Golden Arches come into view. You couldn’t wait for your Happy Meal because it truly was the source of your joy. And then, once the nuggets were clamoring in […]

PEST Analysis of Dell Technologies

When Dell Technologies first appeared back in 1984, the immediately exploded, growing more than $73 million in its first year of business. Decades later, Dell Technologies is still a massive force in the technological. When it first hit the scene, it was known as a PC developer and distributor. But as time passed and the […]

Are You Doing Your PEST Analysis Correctly?

Business owners use PEST analysis because it’s a simple but effective strategic tool… if done correctly. Otherwise, it’s a time-suck that provides no actual benefits. You can say you’ve finished one, but unless you can use the information from the analysis to propel your business, there’s no point in putting in all that effort. You […]

PEST Analysis Of E-Retail Leader Amazon

Online shopping has never been so popular. Who doesn’t like to do a quick find what they’re looking for, read a couple reviews, and then buy the product — all without changing out of your PJs? No endless lines of shoppers, no need to talk to pushy salespeople. You can get exactly what you need, […]

PEST Evaluation Of Business Products

Why would you want to evaluate a business product With PEST analysis in the first place? At the very least, for marketability. A product is nothing if you can’t market to the right people. But the survival and success of a product are more than the design and usability. If outside influences – like political […]

PESTLE Analysis Of The Fashion Industry

We all have clothes. Some we buy for special occasions only, like a night out on the town after not seeing old friends for a while. Sometimes they’re less flashy, like the uniforms we wear to work each day. But each of these outfits is a byproduct of the fashion industry. When people hear fashion […]

PESTLE Analysis in Beauty Industry

The beauty industry is diverse, comprising more than just makeup and skin care products. You can’t forget about the small stuff, toothpaste and deodorant. But even though the products in this industry are endless, they all focus on selling one specific idea: a better you. Beauty brands supply the tools to improve your appearance and, […]

How Business Analyst Can Use PEST Analysis Before You Go-To-Market

A business analyst is a highly-trained problem solver. They’re the “big guns” who fix the problem business owners can’t because of time restrictions. The problems are typically internal issues such as poor communication. The analyst typically has to discuss matters with the business owners, team members, and stakeholders to find a resolution that works well […]

How Combining PEST And SWOT Analysis Is Essential For All Businesses

PEST analysis and SWOT analysis are typically discussed separately because they’re polar opposites. They both have their own strengths and uses for situations, but they’re rarely mixed together. Which is a shame because they complement each other perfectly. When you need the full picture for a launch, marketing venture, or blossoming idea, using both analyses […]

This is How PEST Analysis Helps Mitigate Business Risks

Have you heard of PEST analysis? It involves researching four external influences that affect businesses on a macro level: political, economic, social, and technological factors. In PEST analysis, an analyst thoroughly investigates these four factors in relation to the business or industry. But PEST analysis can also be a tool to identify current and future […]

This is Why PEST Analysis Is Important For Every Business

What does your five-year business plan look like? Or your ten-year plan? It likely involves growth. Whether it’s the expansion of a product line or opening stores in new locations, business changes need proper preparation. And that’s where PEST analysis comes in. PEST analysis is the foolproof plan for business expansion Both new business owners […]

PEST Analysis of Canada

Canada is a rich and beautiful country full of agricultural land, but the majority of the population resides in the southern provinces. In 1867, Canada became a recognized country by the British North America Act. Nearly one hundred years later, the country chose their official white flag: a maple leaf between two red stripes. Now, […]

PEST Analysis of The Healthcare Industry

The healthcare industry depends on legislation, changes in economic rates, and technological advancements. Whenever we see shifts in the government, people become worried. They wonder: What will happen to healthcare bills? Or the services they have access to now. Will it be inaccessible shortly? Health will always be a concern, no matter your age. People […]

A PEST Analysis Of Entrepreneurship

Is entrepreneurship the future of work? Maybe. Nowadays, many people feel unappreciated at their corporate jobs. They yearn to make their own profits without ever hitting a ceiling. They fantasize about working in their PJs, on the couch, comfortably at home. As an entrepreneur, they can do just that. They choose their hours and never […]

14 Critical Questions to Ask in PEST Analysis

How do outside factors affect your business? This is the one question every business owner needs to answer. Otherwise, they may face unexpected consequences. We tend to get wrapped up in internal affairs such as operations and invoicing because we have direct responsibility and influence over them. Outside factors can’t be as easily influenced. They […]

2 Ways to Use PEST Analysis to Your Advantage

PEST analysis is a fantastic tool to strategically plan your business. The analysis examines four external factors (political, economic, social, and technological) to help you take advantage of opportunities and negate the effects of threats. When you’re starting a new business, expanding into new areas, or executing projects, PEST analysis is the tool you need […]

How to Prepare for a Successful Product Launch With PEST Analysis

What makes a product launch successful? You need to cover many bases and you can’t forget about the four essential external factors: political, economic, social and technological influences. It’s also known as PEST. No matter your industry or product, the knowledge of these four categories stand between you and a successful launch. Here’s how you […]

4 Signs You’re Doing PEST Analysis Wrong

Do you know why business analysts use PEST analysis? It’s because it’s a strategic management tool. It helps people make informed business decisions by following patterns and data regarding Political, Economic, Social, and Technological influences. Are you on the right path for your PEST analysis? These signs let you know if you’re not. Sign #1: […]

Why You Shouldn’t Neglect PEST Analysis When Starting a New Business

The number one goal for any startup is to prevent failure. With Google at our fingertips, we have the tools to learn as much as we can, as quickly as possible. From manufacturing to guerrilla marketing strategies, it’s possible to learn from the experts to see where they failed and skip that step. And while […]

Who Invented PEST Analysis And Why It Matters

An ordinary novel hit the shelves in 1967. Decades later, it led to the development of a standard analysis used primarily in strategic planning. Right now, it’s easier to buy the book online than it is to find a summary of it. You don’t have to read it. But you should understand its connection to […]

PESTLE Analysis of Adidas

Adidas is a world-renowned leader in the sporting goods industry. They develop several products for the health conscious consumer. But their products are not a necessity. And they’ve faced backlash for manufacturing products in third world countries where the quality of life is low. Plus, Adidas is doing little to help. This PESTLE analysis of […]

PESTLE Analysis in Strategic Management

Strategic management is useful to all enterprises. It’s a system focused on planning and monitoring how corporations meet objectives. Analysis plays a key role. The core of an organization must be assessed. What strategies are used, what technologies are available, and which resources are valuable are considered along with analysis. But also how external factors […]