Kelsoe and Fallon Case Study

Daddies structured model will assist in making commendations for the new program. In the analysis phase, needs assessment will point out and outline gaps within the existing system. Team Bi’s recommendations for the new program’s development and design will resolve gaps, Improve performance based objectives, and specific recommendations to amend the current system. These recommendations will assist the State Medical university on the benefits of changing to a new web-based program.

Define the process, the design, and the development of this project and how you would modify the current program. Analysis of the current process for clinical caching the third year pediatric course Identifies that the design consists of apprenticeships in hospital settings, hysterically has students dispersed throughout the state.

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The clerkship director wants to integrate technology into the third year pediatric course to improve access to learning experiences and resources lacking with the geographic distance of medical students.

The proposed design involves a problem based learning approach in which students have access online video cases with footage of live or enacted patient experiences, access resources inline, and virtually Interact with other students and Instructors In different locations taking the same course (Case study 13, 2007). Development of the Instructional design involves collaboration between the clerkship director, medical educator, senior colleague, and department chair. The clerkship director and medical educator have an aggressive approach in design development because of their desire to leverage technology to improve course outcomes and goals.

In contrast, the senior colleague and department chair are hesitant to consider changing how the course Is errantly designed and have experienced negative experiences with past technology projects (Case Study 13, 2007).

The proposed design has a strong technical foundation that can be improved by enhancing the availability of live online video of patient cases and allowing students to communicate in real time with video chat to improve motivation in the course (Ben-Kodak, Alibi, & Mechanism, 2011).

Assigning the senior colleague to play a guiding role technology development of virtual Instructional, assessment and Interactive tools will bring the team together to cancel ten sealer goal AT Including problem oases learning (Havana, Du, & Illinois, 2005). The clerkship director will report progress on a regular basis to the department chair to decrease his hesitance to implement technology change. Answer the following keeping in mind that organizations are in constant change, and often individuals are critical of change.
