Maslow’s Theory of Motivation and its Connection to Why Workers Join Unions

Abraham Maslow postulated Maslow’s theory of motivation. In this theory, Maslow states that humans are perpetually deficient beings. As such, people (workers included) have to seek gratification eternally. This theory has universally been represented by the triangle termed Maslow’s ladder of wants.

In this hierarchy, human needs are arranged in the order of priority starting with the most basic at the base and the secondary needs at the peak. The order of the needs is as follows (Boone & Kurtz, 2011). Physiological needs lie right the base of the triangle. These needs are basically the imperative to stay alive and comfortable. It includes having enough healthy foods, air and water.

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Gratification in this level is derived from having shelter, clothing and food as well as being free from pain. Next in the triangleis the social safety from physical harm. Satisfaction for this is achieved by working to sustain a decent living and saving for the future. Affection and belonging is next in the hierarchy. These needs are met by making friends and being a member of a community or organization.

Self-respect and acceptance as well as self-actualization follow in the hierarchy respectively.Maslow’s theory of motivation has greatly influenced many workers to join trade unions. This is because Maslow’s hierarchy of needs present a perfect interface for achieving the best benefits for its members through collective bargaining principle in the work environment. If to explain simply, workers see trade unions as a best bet in achieving greater returns from their jobs as opposed to facing employers as individuals. It is important to appreciate the verity that Maslow&rsquoo;s theory presents a worker as an entity seeking to achieve social and physical security as well as self-actualization. These two needs explain that trade unions are formed to deliver (by negotiating)_ impartial promotions based on merits and diligent compensation of workers by employers.

Agreement between workers and employers, maintained by trade unions, on fair wages in the market also furthers the social security of workers (Pride & Hughes, 2011).In conclusion, workers, in the pursuit of better terms of employment to satisfy their needs, have overwhelmingly joined trade unions. Studies by Maslow have presented them with an opportunity to better understand their needs and what actions to take to achieve these needs. Thanks to Maslow’s theory, they know now that there are trade unions that fight for them.
