IRVIN project

At Progressive, that radical notion Is based on IRVIN, which stands for “Immediate response vehicle,” a fleet of Subs loaded with enough communications gear – laptops, printers, and cell phones – to allow adjusters to settle claims right at the scene of the accident. That’s a big improvement over the scenario that still pervades the industry: Wait a week or two to see the car and make hand written notes, snap photos, drive back to the office, type it all into the mainframe computer, and issue a request for a check. Ten years ago, the IRVIN project involved Just 10 adjusters in Florida.

Today more than 1,000 mobile claims reps share a fleet of 2,600 Irvin. Not only did the program help improve customer retention by 20% last year; it has helped Progressive shave labor costs.

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Progressives mobile adjusters can handle nearly twice the workload they could a decade ago. Irvin have also helped revenues climb from $1. 8 billion to more than $9 billion during that period. A wireless laptop provides around the clock access to Progressives mainframe computer. An adjuster can type a claim while sitting in a body shop and go over it with the policy-holder right on the screen.

The laptops also let agents use fax canines around the country as printers when a satellite office needs a hard copy Instead of email.

Agents spend hours every day talking to clients, auto shops, and other adjusters on their cell phones, but It’s the two-way radio feature that gets the most use. Dispatchers monitor agents’ locations, sending the closest adjuster to Investigate a scene. Digital cameras let agents snap as many pictures as they need, upload them to Progressives computers for storage, and share them with the managers If necessary.
