Participation of Nurses

The scarcity of resources forces nurses to rethink in order to retain health care standards in the economy of a nation. Therefore, they use the corporate ideology that aims at reviving the economy through technological means instead of providing and caring the health of all the members of the community.

This ideology motivates nurses to be flexible in their work and to maximize on the available chances to make profit. The key factor in corporate ideology is time; thus, nurses strain too much by overworking to attend to many customers. They organize their work on the basis of scarcity rather than on emotions and intellectuals (Varcoe and Rodney, 2002). They don’t value the care they give at all, but only move to beat the deadline. Consequently, they are subjected to moral distress in case that the time is not enough to provide the service to the client. Furthermore, the patient feels dejected and discouraged when time elapses before he or she is completely served.

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To get out with word, time is valued in the provision of health care instead of its effectiveness and quality. Nevertheless, sanctions from the managers and individual nurses denied them freedom to attend effectively to the clients. Basically, nurses are made to supervise each other by reminding one another what should be done, like doing the work faster and spending less time talking with the patients. They are forced to comply to these policies because failure to adhere to them who would mean dismissal or replacement of registered nurse with unqualified staff. This instilled fear in most nurses and exposed them to the efficiencies of other medical providers (Stoch, 1999).

For instance, a nurse would refuse to take an immediate step of helping a patient and wait for an instruction from the doctor of a given department. Corporate ideology should be used in the correct concept for the development and growth of an economy. Essentially, the government ought to formulate favorable conditions that will promote the provision of health care. It should not be left in the hands of investors who are out there to achieve their selfish gains. Scarcity of resources does not mean poor quality of health care.

It is worth noting that nurses in collaboration with other sectors in the economy should lobby the provincial and federal governments to release funds that will help in solving existing problems. Nursing practices should be done with an intention of caring for the needs of everyone in the community. For the success of an organization, ethics should be the credential to keep both the managers and employees moving. Nurses should not be ambushed to ration their time in order to make profit. Hospitals should be able to mitigate and understand how to prevent the occurrence of problems.

Furthermore, nurses need to be motivated to hold on moral values and to provide quality health care services. It should be understood that nurses have the capacity to work under tough conditions, especially when resources are scarce. Their attitudes and potential should be trapped to improve the delivery of quality health care services.
