Practicum Evaluation Report by Industry

Training is the final course in the Program or Study Plan whereby a student is expected to undergo on the job training (OJT) in areas relevant to the academic program and field of specialization. Industrial training program shall serve as a practical training ground for a student to apply the knowledge learnt in the academic program, and most importantly to gain practical knowledge and acquire skills at work place in the industry.

The Industrial Training is to be conducted by the selected host organization in accordance to the industrial training guidelines set by the Faculty.

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A student is to be exposed to the work place in the host organization; he/she is expected to perform, carry out tasks and work activities productively for the organization within the scope of program study and to gain work experiences and acquire job employability skills. A student is also expected to complete the practicum successfully and submit the Industrial Training Report (MKT 662/FIN 662) at the end of the practicum. A student is expected to abide the industrial training guidelines set by the Faculty and the University at all times.

A student will be assessed and graded based on both the practicum and the project paper. 2.

COURSE OBJECTIVES The course objectives of the industrial training program are as follows: i. Cognitive development: a student is to acquire job knowledge, develop work skills, gain experience and work values at a workplace in an organization. Student is to apply theories, to practice and to experience through work exposure at the work place in the organization. ii. Bbehavioral development: a student is to perform tasks in OJT (on the job training), participate, solve problems and contribute productively to the organization through the applications of knowledge, skills and experience.


Attitudinal and Personal development: a student is to develop self potential, personal development and values in terms of: integrity, creativity, intellectual skills, job employability skills, job competencies, entrepreneurship skills and personal skills. 3. The industrial training program is to be conducted by the host organization in the form of on the job training (OJT) at the work place with adequate supervision by an identified facilitator in the organization. The following sections shall outline the objectives of the industrial training, the roles of host organization, defined roles of training facilitator and roles of the trainee in the industrial training program, and the responsibilities of the advisor(s) in the faculty.
