Quantitative Research Design: Definition, Methods and Types

Quantitative research design has an interesting interpretation and aim. Its purpose is to get how many people think, act or feel in one concrete way. Quantitative projects are concentrated in big groups, and they concentrate only on the number of concrete responses. Here we see the difference between qualitative vs. quantitative research, where qualitative concentrates on emotional insight and feelings.

The standard format of how the quantitative research is going on is easy. You have to ask each person (respondent) the same questions, and basing on their answers you can later make an analysis, data. Data is adopted in a format of numbers and can be analyzed in a quantifiable way using the statistical method. Surveys can, however, be tailored to branch off if the respondent answers in a certain way – for instance, people who are satisfied or dissatisfied with a service may be asked different questions subsequently.Quantitative research design tends to favor closed-ended questions. Providing respondents with a set list of answers, they will not normally be able to give lengthy open-ended responses.

This design ensures that the process of quantitative research is far more efficient than it would be if qualitative-style open-ended questions were employed.

What is Quantitative Research Design?

Because of the word “quantitative,” people may think that it’s all about numbers, but everything is not so easy. Though this definition is understandable, it is not correct. The same thing is to say that for example, “surgery” is all about “cutting,” or saying that a “symphony” is all about “waving a stick-up and down.” “Surgery” is about helping people feeling better using this “cutting,” and “symphony” is about “waving the stick” with understanding which sound will appear after each wave.The same case we have with quantitative research.

 The numbers that quantitative research design ultimately capture are not ultimately what the effort and investment are about. It is about the actionable insights. In other words: it is about taking those numbers and using them to make smarter business decisions.

Methods of Quantitative Research Design

What is a good quantitative research design? It means that the process will be individualized by searching a lot on the Internet or talking by the phone, or texting people. But it isn’t so bad if you like talking with people.As you may have seen on different sites, there are a lot of advantages and disadvantages to each of the methods existing in the design.

They include price sizes, time, quality, analysis, automation, standardization, and so on. As you see quantitative research design is used to investigate the relationship between variable by using numbers and statistics to explain and analyze its findings and there are four types of quantitative research design.You have to bear in mind that there is no ideal method, but there is the one, which matches exactly for you. Also, even experts can’t avoid the crush of cost or decreased demand. But to feel yourself in maximum safe you need to find the proper mix to minimize bias and data loss. Below you will see four types of quantitative research design.

Descriptive Design Research

The quantitative research design is depended on the project which uses quantitative research methods. The design varies depending on the method that is used. Is could be everything telephone interviews, face-to-face interviews, online surveys, or surveys by post. Other methodologies also include SMS or Test Message surveys, or physical counts. But let’s turn back to four main types:

  • Quasi-experimental design research: This experiment is designed just like the true experimental design, except that it does not use randomized sample groups. Also, it is used when a typical research design is not practicable.

  • Experimental design research: This is a method used to establish a cause and effect relationship between two variables or among a group of variables. The independent variable is manipulated to observe the effect on the depended variable. For example, a certain group is exposed to a variable and then compared with the group not exposed to the variable.
  • Correlational design research: This seeks to discover If two variables are associated or related in some way, using statistical analysis, while observing the variable.
  • Descriptive design research: As the name implies, it is intended to describe the present status of a this type of design. These analyses are generated from existing data.

To sum it up, we believe that we were useful for you, and with our help, you will score the goal in researches you do.
