Stress of Nursing Students

?Work stress is given a chapter on its own , and the conclusion asks what we mean by stress and how research on the topic can be pursued.

” Stress Happens! It’s unavoidable! Stress can be good or bad. It’s good when it helps build strong muscles and bones — like when we exercise. It’s bad when it overwhelms us and causes physical problems. Stress induced problems include: ” Weight Gain ” Digestive Disorders ” Headaches ” Muscle ; Joint Pain ” Irritability ” Sleep Problems . Fatigue ” Anxiety & Depression

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You’d like to know some of the scientific causes for stress induced problems and possible solutions? Causes: When under stress, our bodies secrete a hormone called cortisol.

When cortisol levels are high and we don’t get enough rest, water, nutrients, and fun; we get in trouble. We actually begin to cannibalize our own muscles, organs and glands! It’s like putting an empty pot over a flame. There’s nothing left in the pot to cook, so the pot burns. How can you feel good if your body is cannibalizing itself with unrelenting stress? The end result — you get tired and burned out.

Another effect of increased cortisol is an elevation of the hormone insulin. When insulin is present in the blood stream we store fat instead of burning it.

So, we gain weight and don’t lose it. Inflammation in the body, leading to pain — especially in areas where you’ve had previous injuries, is another result of increased insulin. Lastly, our immune systems can’t protect us when insulin levels are high. So we get frequent infections, allergies (or hyper- sensitivity reactions) and abnormal cell formation leading to cancer. Solutions: Try Health Coach (NutriScan) to get customized stress busting supplements for your unique physiology shipped right to your door. * Exercise, or get active, for 5 minutes within 30 minutes of eating.

This increases your basal metabolic rate, up to 10 times, to burn fat! It also helps decrease cortisol levels. * Go on a low glycemic diet — one that keeps your insulin levels low. Reduce sweet foods, coffee, alcohol and white flour products like bagels, pasta, cakes and cookies. Foods that help are beans and legumes (lentils), sweet potatoes, whole grains (brown rice).

Eat protein and vegetables or fruit with every meal.

* Eat breakfast, and don’t skip meals! * Increase your water intake. Drink one half ounce of water for every pound you weigh. It sounds like a lot, but try it! Replace sodas with water. You’ll feel better in many ways. * Stretch before going to bed. This will decrease tension in your muscles so you sleep better and wake with less pain.

* A massage will help increase circulation and decrease pain. * Get enough sleep! Go to bed before midnight. * Chiropractic care will help reduce postural problems leading to muscle and joint pain.
