The strategic purpose of: school governors

Explain the strategic purpose of: school governors, senior management team, SENCO, teachers and support staff. BY ryan232589 unit 6 School as Organisations 2. 1 Explain the strategic purpose of: school governors, senior management team, SENCO, teachers and support staff.

Who are they? What do they do? School governors usually a team of people of up to 20 who are responsible for running the school. Made up of a variety of people who have links with the school and local community. Each governor will be on different committees and will be responsible for certain reas.

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The main duties of all the governors will be to set aims and objectives for the school, to adopt new policies for achieving the aims and objectives and to set targets for achieving the alms and objectives. Senior management team This team will work closely with the head teacher. The team is usually made up of more experienced staff i.

e. deputy head teacher, SENCO coordinator etc. This team will regularly meet to discuss issues which may have arisen and make decisions concerning the running of the school. They will also discuss how inform other staff. SENCO

SENCO is responsible for managing and monitoring the provision for those with special needs within the school.

They will provide advice and support for other staff in the school, they will ensure that they liaise with the children’s parents and other professionals who may be involved, ensure that appropriate IEP’s are in place and also that they have all the relevant Information regarding the child. The SENCO will also monitor and review the provision provided. Teachers Teachers need to plan and implement the curriculum needed for the children in their class.

Some teachers will have other responsibilities beside their class e. g.

subject area, first aider. Support staff There are many different types of support staff within any school setting. These can be teaching assistants, secretary, caretaker, technicians, and lunchtime supervisors. All of their roles will vary however they are all there to help support all other members of staff and also support the children. Any person Involved within a school setting will all carry the same responsibility of monitoring the welfare of the child and maintaining the child’s health and safety at ll times.

All staff needs to remember that the child is of paramount importance and this will include confidentiality. ton Unit 6 School as Organisations Usually a team of people of up to 20 who are responsible for running the school. for achieving the aims and objectives. Senior management team professionals who may be involved, ensure that appropriate ‘EP’s are in place and also that they have all the relevant information regarding the child.
