Adneux case study

As an emerging private biotechnology company, Addends Therapeutics Inc faces not only the pressure from those established big companies but also obstacles in gathering enough fund. Based on such situation, Dry.

John Middlemen strongly recommended that the company find a partner with sufficient monetary and expertise resources. That’s where BUMS appeared, showing great interest in Tat’s invention and the cooperation programmer. Now the TAT achieved great progress and the future seems promising. BUMS becomes more and more serious about purchasing the company’s outright.

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However, whether to keep the collaborative partnership or to pursuit independent development is hard for TAT to decide.

What’s more, the next emphasis on Incepted or Attentions remains unknown. This paper will mainly focuses on analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this small company, while making comparison between the two main products. Secondly, the paper will make SOOT analysis and finally come to a conclusion on TAT future development. About TAT TAT (used to be CT’) was led by a technology officer who intended to develop biologic drug in a venture setting. At the first stage the company experienced a tough time

Nile confronting with technical challenges and impatient investors.

But soon problems were relieved, since the company purchased two key products from a bankruptcy company. Great progress took place in TAT after the series purchases. Therefore, the new CEO was managed to find a good partner with whom TAT could commercialism its drug. Though faced many challenges from technology and management, TAT set up its cooperation with BUMS at last. About Attentions and Incepted Attentions came up as a solution to the technological problem faced by AT’, while Incepted derived from the deep research as a trail drug for cancer cure.

SOOT Analysis Strength 1 . Breakthrough in pharmacology with promising drugs 2. Initial permission from FDA. 3. Sufficient resources in fund and knowledge 4. Profound protection of intellectual property and few possibility of getting involved into patent issues.

Weakness 1. Uncertainty in drug development 2. Lacking experience in centralization 3. Lacking independence Opportunity 1. Potential market in the new drugs Threat 1 .

Pressure from established companies 2. Unsteady stream of cash 3. Rapid-pace development in biotechnology results in uncertainty in small company
