Case Study Format

Title of the Case Study: Course rhea case study should have the following sections: Introduction Introduction to the problem: Describes the problem in a greater sense. Background of the Case Background on the case: Information about your case study site, where or who it is, Nat makes it a good sample of the larger group, what makes it special? The next several sections should be about the problem as it pertains to the case.

Describe for the reader what you learned in your interviews about the problem at this site, how it developed, what solutions have already been proposed and/or tried, ND feelings and thoughts of those working or visiting there. The concluding paragraph should wrap it up with possible solutions, without solving the case per SE. It might make some final references to the interviewees and their thoughts about possible solutions, while leaving it open to the reader to come up with a different answer.

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Literature Review rhea review of previous research accomplishes several purposes. It shares with the reader the results of other studies that are closely related to the study being reported, it relates the study to the larger, ongoing dialogue in the literature about he topic, and it provides a framework for establishing the importance of the study. It can serve as a benchmark for comparing the results of the study with other findings.

Analysis rhea analysis compares the findings of the study with benchmarks established in the review of literature. It may point out similarities and differences, agreements and contradictions, and posit explanations for these relationships. Normally, it will not assume a burden of proof or disproof, nor claim superiority or insights not Justified by the small sample size or singularity of the subject or methodology.

Cautious monoculture, with appropriate language and solid reasoning, however is encouraged.

Lessons learned) Conclusions and Recommendations Although this section does not need to be long, the writer has an opportunity to tie Jp loose ends, summarize findings, and draw inferences. Specific recommendations are a good way to concluding the paper. The writer should recommend possible changes in current administrative practices, suggest new methods of management or analysis, or propose changes in ordinances and statutes, for example. The recommendations should flow from the present study and be related directly to the analysis.
