Case Study: Inventory Management System

Chinese Manufacturer Automates Inventory Management with Intelligent System Shanghai CHILI Press Company, a Chinese manufacturer of Iron core motors, wanted to Increase profitability and accuracy by eliminating manual Inventory management processes. To improve efficiency, the company implemented an automated inventory solution based on an intelligent system that wirelessly connected Motorola handheld devices too back-end ERP system. As a result, CHILI has cut its loss rate by 46 percent, gained better control over inventory, improved business agility, and threatened Its competitive advantage.

Business Needs Shanghai CHILI Press Company Is a Chinese manufacturer of Iron core motors used worldwide In Industrial equipment and consumer goods, including factory cranes, water wheels, home appliances, and electrical engineering products. One of five manufacturers worldwide that produce energy-saving motor technology, CHILI has annual revenue of approximately billion (U. S. $160 million).

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The parent organization, CHILI Industries Company, was established in 1990 in Taiwan, China.

To stay competitive and profitable, CHILI wanted to Improve Inventory management. The company relied on the timeliness and accuracy of data stored In Its ERP system from Digressions, which it used to manage its entire operation, including costs and production. However, the manual processes it was using to collect and enter information into the system were both time-consuming and prone to error. Instead, CHILI sought an intelligent system that would automate inventory management by wirelessly connecting handheld devices to Its ERP solution.

Solution With help from local partner Digital China, CHILI began implementing a new inventory management system based on the Windows Server operating system, SQL Server data management software, and an operating system from the Windows Embedded Handheld family running on Motorola MCCABE devices. The company chose a Microsoft platform because it believed it would be easy for employees to use and would provide the best connectivity between its line-of-business system, databases, and mobile devices.

CHILI deployed six handheld devices with barded canners, and Installed 18 Motorola wireless receiver access points throughout the plants. After data is scanned and collected with a handheld device, It Is wirelessly transmitted to the closest access point, which in turn sends the information to the ERP system and a SQL Server data warehouse running on Windows Server.

Case Study: Inventory Management System By administrations Shanghai CHILI Press Company, a Chinese manufacturer of iron core motors, wanted to increase profitability and accuracy by eliminating manual inventory management strengthened its competitive advantage.

Business Needs Shanghai CHILI Press Company is a Chinese manufacturer of iron core motors used worldwide in industrial equipment and consumer goods, including factory cranes, To stay competitive and profitable, CHILI wanted to improve inventory management. The company relied on the timeliness and accuracy of data stored in its ERP system wirelessly connecting handheld devices to its ERP solution. Solution scanners, and installed 18 Motorola wireless receiver access points throughout the plants. After data is scanned and collected with a handheld device, it is wirelessly
