Case Study on Ultrasound

Ultrasound Case Study:

Ultrasound is the sound pressure wave which can not be heard be a human being. Although, the sound wave is so high that a human can not hear it, the existence of ultrasound has been always obvious to people.

Not long ago people learnt to use the abilities of ultrasound for their needs, for example, in health care, veterinary and industry. Ultrasound has the limit of 20000 hertz, and when the power of the wave is increased, the sound can be used for destructive purposes. It is obvious that human ear is not sensitive enough to catch ultrasound, but there are animals, birds and insects which exist only due to the well-developed sound perception and use ultrasound to find out about their location in the space (for example, bats, whales, dolphins, the latter even produce ultrasound for communication with one another). Animals generally hear ultrasound, because it is important for their life and people use this ability to train dogs using the ultrasound whistles. Ultrasound is used in human medicine and opens wide opportunities for scientists. With the help of the ultrasound and ultrasonography a doctor can see the human organs, their shape and their condition on the computer screen.

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Today nearly every pregnant woman is diagnosed with the help of medical sonography to see the condition of the fetus and probably get to know about its gender.Then, ultrasound is used in health care, physics, chemistry and for the domestic and military purposes.Ultrasound has a great number of qualities which can be used for different purposes. A successful ultrasound case study is supposed to be based on the general perfect knowledge on the topic, so a student should learn about ultrasound as much as possible. Then, one should get to know about the problem which has occurred in the case, research the case site and learn about the reason of the problem.

In order to analyze the problem one will need to collect data with the help of different means. When the cause of the problem is found, a student will be able to weigh its consequences and impact on the object influenced by the problem of ultrasound. In conclusion, one should summarize the problem and suggest the effective solutions to the problem or at least the actions which will reduce the effect of the problem.A case study is a specific assignment which can be written only with the help of the assistance of the good example paper from the Internet. A free sample case study on ultrasound prepared by an expert is a good solution for every student who has troubles with the composition of the paper and its format. A free example case study on ultrasound created by the professional writer will increase knowledge and improve one’s writing skills, so one should take advantage of such reasonable help.
