Business Essays

How Business Analysis Training Will Make You a Better Analyst

In this article, I will discuss the importance of Business Analysis Training for business analysts. Before I venture into more details about how the simple training can boost your career, let’s talk about the business analysis process briefly. It is essential for businesses to set themselves apart from competitors. This is especially important to survive […]

How Value Chain Analysis Can Help You Plan for a Party

For anyone who has planned a party, you know you have to think of several different factors. You have to think about location. You have to think about how much money you want to spend and other things like how many people to invite. You also have to pick out a date when you’re going […]

How to Use Strategic Management to Make Your Future a Success

While some people may know what strategic management is, others may not necessarily understand the steps involved, or the process that takes place in this particular type of environment. Strategic management is about managing the ship Strategic management is when a company works to strategize or really, really work hard and make sure that they’re […]

Using Horizontal Integration to Find the Best Fast Food Restaurants

Are you wondering what horizontal integration is and what it has to do with your favorite fast food chains? Chances are you may be a student and learning about this for the first time. You also might be someone who is working on a business idea. Maybe you’ve never heard of horizontal integration, but someone […]

A Conjoint Analysis Example to Explain How it Works

Conjoint analysis is a statistical tool used to understand the consumers better. It is used during a marketing research to determine what a customer wants in their products. It determines what things which a customer from buying their goods or services. Conjoint analysis is concerned with how a customer makes their choice when buying things. […]

How to Wear your Six Thinking Hats in Business Management

No, this doesn’t mean you need to think with your baseball cap on, but it does mean that you need to think and prioritize with your business to make sure that you are successful. There are six thinking hats in business analysis and you should look at this as a way to help you to […]

What is SCRS and How Walmart and Netflix should Use it

As you look at your company, there are a few key things that can help you to better understand how to deal with your business and your customers. That’s why the acronym, SCRS can help you; this is actually a series of four words that are set up so that you can understand different areas […]

How CATWOE helps in Business Analysis and Decision Making

If you ever heard of the term CATWOE, no, you don’t have to worry about it being a depression that cats go through or a time when cats are upset. It’s something completely different. CATWOE is an acronym or a series of letters that make up a word. It’s used as a business term and […]

The Five Whys

If you’re thinking that the Five Whys mean you have to say why five times, no, not exactly. The Five Whys in business is a process that you would actually use to help you to find out the real root of a business problem and ways to fix it. Sometimes in business, managers can spend […]

BCG Matrix: A Business Model Based on Dogs, Cows and Stars

What do a dog, a cow, stars and question marks have in common? And no, this isn’t the start of a really funny joke, but it might be depending on if you have cows and stars or dogs and question marks! The answer is, they’re all part of the BCG matrix. The BCG Matrix The […]

Five Forces Analysis of the Fashion Retail Industry

Porter’s Five Forces analyses are an approach to determining just how competitive a given market is, and consequently, how profitable it may be for a business. This framework draws on five factors, known as the ‘five forces’, to achieve this. These five forces are: buyer power — the ability of buyers to decrease the prices […]

Key Elements of any Business Plan

For a business to be successful, it requires extensive planning and analysis to survive in the market and industrial environment. Businesses conduct analyses to assess conditions and environment in which they are operating. Every company has certain frameworks that allow them to understand the market and analyze their products and services. Companies carry out market […]

Mission Statement Examples: Amazon & Starbucks

If you look at a few of top mission statements from your favorite companies, you may find that they have a lot in common. For starters, let’s look at Amazon. Mission statement example: Amazon Amazon’s mission statement says: It’s our goal to be Earth’s most customer-centric company, where customers can find and discover anything at […]

How to Write a Mission Statement

Writing a mission statement is similar to finding the ingredients you need for your favorite recipe. There are a few key things that you want to keep in mind and this is going to be something you’re going to have to take your time with. The easiest way to understand how to write a mission […]

What is a Mission Statement

What is a Mission Statement or should we say, why you need a map when you go out of town. A mission statement is basically a statement that a company sets up when they first start their business. The goal of a mission statement is to guide the company towards the direction they’re going in. […]

3 Competitor Analysis Tools for Strategic Planning

When starting a business, analysis is key. For instance, addressing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis) of your business provides valuable insight for success. And examining the political, economical, social, technological and additional factors (PESTLE analysis) helps gauge current and future obstacles. But to see where your business stands amongst the competition, it’s […]

What are the 4 and 7 Ps of Marketing?

Previously, we discussed the concept of the ‘marketing mix’ — a business tool used to evaluate the appeal of an offer, whether it be a product or service. This technique revolves around analyzing a few (originally 4, but now 7) important factors. These factors are: Product, Price, Promotion, Place, Physical Evidence, People, and Process. In […]

Strategic Planning Models: How to Put Strategic Planning into Action

In a recent article about strategic planning, we discussed some informal approaches to actually doing so. However, there are plenty of age-old models designed specifically for strategic planning, each of which strive to optimize your organization in a different way. This article explains the most popular of them. As a forenote, there is no single […]

The Process of Strategic Planning

Strategic planning is how most successful organizations get things done. It is a relatively simple process — just choose goals, and build a plan to achieve them. That it is simple does not mean it is obvious, though, so in this article we’ll be going over the process of strategic planning. If you haven’t already […]

Strategic Planning Tools For Better Results

Strategic planning is the process through which many successful companies and individuals make decisions about future goals and the path to achieving them. If you are at all uncertain about what strategic planning is, be sure to read this article on that matter before proceeding any further with this one. Strategic planning tools are the […]

What is The Marketing Mix?

The marketing mix is a business tool which is especially useful when selling a product or service. Introduced in 1960, this marketing tool evaluates the attractiveness of an offer through various different factors — the “Ps”. This article will explain what the marketing mix is, and why it is relevant to you. What are The […]

What is SWOC Analysis?

SWOC analysis is a strategic planning method used to research external and internal factors which affect company success and growth. Firms use SWOC analysis to determine the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges of their firm, products, and competition. SWOC analysis is relevant to SWOT analysis. SWOT examines strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. But it focuses on […]

What Is Strategic Planning?

Strategic planning is the managerial process of deciding on a clear goal (or set of goals) and the means by which to achieve it — in other words: deciding on a strategy. A good strategic plan allows companies to set their priorities, effectively use any available resources, and eventually achieve their desired goals with good […]

What Is A Marketing Strategy? An Overview

You cannot achieve success in any area of your life without a strategy. The same is true of marketing. Marketing is not a standalone activity, distinguished from all other aspects of the business. Rather, marketing is a joint effort that involves collaboration from creative, financial, sales, and technical departments. And without a sound marketing plan […]

Walkthrough of a Strategic Marketing Process

Marketing traditionally has been defined as informing people about the benefits of a product or service and then persuading them to pay for it. However, over the years, the process of marketing has become extensive with increased emphasis on developing relations with clients, building a strong brand image, and customer orientation (where products are designed […]

Malaria Free Essay Example

Malaria is one of the world’s biggest killers. Malaria is a blood disease caused by a kind of mosquito. The world health organization is trying its best to overcome this issue. The main cause of malaria is its rapid spread globally. This does not allow us to abolish this lethal sickness. Another main problem causing […]

The Journey to the National Treasure

In the introduction to his book Struggling to Define a Nation: American Music and the Twentieth Century, Charles Garrett introduces questions that he claims “have always been critical to defining American identity. What is America? Who is an American? And who has the right to decide?” (Garret 3). Garrett’s simple answer is that music reflects […]

The Great Depression’s Impact on Homophobia

Many factors have had an impact on homophobia, however the Great Depression may have been the most influential. During the economic crisis of the Great Depression many things changed including the social, political, and cultural outlook of the public, specifically on the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual, etc. (LGBTQIA+) community. During the previous […]

Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka

A major part of human life is enduring personal transformations. These transformations inevitably impact others, resulting in further transformations in other people. Franz Kafka’s classic novella The Metamorphosis begins with its protagonist, Gregor Samsa, literally transforming into a gigantic and terrifying insect. Interestingly, Gregor’s family benefits from his horrific transformation because his negative change causes […]