PESTEL Analysis

How to Keep Your Business from Failing with PEST Analysis

It’s not because of poor ideas or lack of investments that lead businesses to drown. It’s often because of poor execution. As much as we value the “million-dollar idea”, unless we analyze influential external factors, the chances of long-term business survival are slim. PEST analysis helps businesses examine the political, economical, socio-cultural and technological factors […]

SWOT vs. PEST, and How to Decide Which One to Use

Enterprises and businesses worldwide conduct analyses to assess conditions and environment for strategic planning. Every company consists of certain frameworks that allow them to understand the market and analyze their products. Companies carry out market research by conducting surveys to evaluate market needs and trends. SWOT & PEST analyses are two methods through which companies […]

PESTLE Analysis through Pictures: PESTLEWeb

Scanning your business environment is absolutely critical for developing business and marketing strategy. A strategy which is successful at one time and place can’t be guaranteed to work in the same way for ever more. In fact – it may never work again because the world has changed! Successful businesses need to adapt and respond […]

How to Create a Pestle Analysis Template

The PESTLE analysis is the analysis of the environment as a whole in which a business operates or tends to offer its trade. These are systematic factors that are beyond ones control and businesses need to chart out strategies keeping the results in view to peacefully coexist and keep on gaining revenues despite the concurrent […]

A PESTLE Analysis of The UAE

The United Arab Emirates, often abbreviated to just the ‘UAE’, is an affluent Middle Eastern country located on the Arab Peninsula. According to the World Bank, the United Arab Emirates had one of the top 25 Gross Domestic Products per capita in 2014 [1]. This country earns most of its wealth through the export of […]

Adidas Swot and Pestel Analysis

This report is representing and discussing the SWOT and PESTEL analysis of Adidas sports’ wear company. Adidas, a German company with roots in Herzogenaurach near Nuremberg, tells a quintessential success story. The work of brothers Adi and Rudi Dassler, Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory focused on creating the best shoe for each sport and was one […]

Pestel Analysis Clothing Company

Taxes – business taxes and any other taxes that Velocity clothing must pay are mandatory and must be paid, affecting the amount of outgoings they have, variation in this may cause more or less outgoings but any changes could be quite significant. •Wars & Conflict – Velocity Clothing use materials imported from various countries. The […]

Analyse Pestel Orange

Building and Sustaining Strategy 2011-12 Portfolio Assignment University of Gloucestershire Week 2 – Mission, Vision, Goals and Objectives – Orange Group (France Telecom) Orange is the key brand of France Telecom (FT), a leading telecoms operators and the leading mobile provider in France, with more than 130 million subscribers in Europe. The Orange brand encompasses […]

Pestel Analysis

Women’s Shoe Store Marketing Plan Passion Soles Plan Outline • 1. 0 Executive Summary • 2. 0 Situation Analysis • 3. 0 Marketing Strategy • 4. 0 Financials • 5. 0 Controls Executive Summary 1. 0 Executive Summary Passion Soles is a women’s only shoe store in Tacoma, WA. Tacoma badly needs an upscale shoe […]

Swot and Pestel Analysis of an Organisation of Your Choice. British Airways Plc

HAMILTON COLLEGE LONDON Association of Business Practitioners (ABP) Assignment In Strategic Management & Business Planning (SMBP) Assignment Assignment Topic: SWOT and PESTEL Analysis of an organisation of your choice. Submitted by: Jon Jon Villanueva 18786/PGD/110786 Submitted to: Mr. Fayyaz Alam Instructor Submission date 17th of June 2011 Table of Contents Table of Contents …. …… […]

Pestel Analysis Walmart

Wal-Martsexisting distribution chain was and is able to deliver needed goods faster and more efficientlythan a government agency, which (besides being inept) had no existing infrastructure to respondto the disaster. Regardless of its reputation or its value to society, Walmart is here to stay. Consumption drives our daily lives and accounts for some 70% of […]

Pestel Analysis for the Irish Rail

The Makro environment is the context in which a business operates. This takes in various factors including those outside its control, for example, laws or standards. Each factor can have an effect on the business positive or negative and so companies make plans and strategies to try to anticipate these effects. If a company does […]