Individual Feedback Report

The aim of this report is to provide you with some insights into your typical work style: the way you typically behave when you are working in a team. What is a team? A group of people become a team when they cooperate effectively in working towards a common goal. The essence of effective teamwork is that the performance of the group as a whole is greater than would be the normal sum of the performance of the individuals comprising the group’.

What is a team role? A team role is “a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular war.

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It is the way that you prefer to approach a task, it is what you, as an individual can bring to the team, and it is the way you typically interact with and relate to your colleagues. The team role approach can help you and your team to identify your strengths and development needs in relation to the challenges and demands that you face both now and in the future. There are eight Tamable team roles: Specialist, Innovator, Completer Achiever, Explorer Network, Team Coach, Analyst, Leader Coordinator and Driver (for descriptions see Appendix 2).

This report will describe your team role keep and help you to make the most of it in the context of working with your team. The feedback on your questionnaire Is Intended for your personal learning.

Please bear in mind the following points: Most people have one or two roles that they tend to adopt a lot of the time and one or two roles that they tend to adopt rarely or not at all. People often find that they can act In a wider range of roles than normal when they need to meet the specific demands of a task/project, which stretches their natural preferences. Don’t worry If there are only small differences between your scores on he different team roles. This Is to be expected with psychometric tests of this kind. The feedback on your team roles can be used to help you: understand your own Identity In terms of team roles and how you behave In teams.

Manage your strengths and development needs In a team or Individually. Project yourself In the best possible way. Work better with your colleagues. Work more effectively In a range of different teams. Individual Feedback Report By Chihuahuas 1.

Introduction individuals comprising the groups.

What is a team role? The feedback on your questionnaire is intended for your personal learning. Please People often find that they can act in a wider range of roles than normal when they preferences. Don’t worry if there are only small differences between your scores on the different team roles. This is to be expected with psychometric tests of this kind. Understand your own identity in terms of team roles and how you behave in teams.

Manage your strengths and development needs in a team or individually. Project yourself in the best possible way. Work more effectively in a range of different teams.
