
What are some reasons that more organizations do not implement HER analytics? How would you make the case for adopting HER analytics? Answer: One reason that contributes to more organizations not implementing HER analytics Is a long-standing myth that the value of HER practices cannot really be measured and therefore are too removed from business results, or do not add value (p. 61). Also, business accounting practices typically treat Human Resource expenditures (I. E. Talent development or human capital expenditures) as expenses when they should be considered Investments (p.

61 1.

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These attitudes have contributed to misconceptions about HER and HER analytics. Changing these attitudes and correcting these misconceptions about HER would be a first step In making the case for HER analytics. This could be done by demonstrating how people-related costs are usually the largest controllable expense in a company (p. 61).

Collecting and analyzing HER data, as well as communication between managers and HER. Could help pinpoint waste in resources and expenses. Ideally, this would lead to the same detailed analysis and cost justification for HER decisions as is used for other financial, operational, or marketing decisions (p. ). This process and information would lead to effective management and reduction of these people-related costs. Likewise, a case in favor of the use of HER analytics could be made simply by looking at other companies, such as Thrive Financial or Superior Energy Services, and how they used HER analytics to improve the efficiency or readability of their employees (p.

68). Their use of HER analytics helped them reduce turnover (thereby reducing company costs) as well as make strategic plans to avoid similar situations in the future. Questions . How can HER professionals develop the needed skills to analyze and interpret metrics?

What resources could an HER professional consult to begin building expertise in this area? Answer: HER professionals can gain skills by conducting research in the individual areas that they need to analyze. The resource that can be utilized the most would be the data that is collected by HER and line managers. For example if HER professionals needed to analyze the various cost of the HER organization then they could research and review the financial data gathered.

Additionally, HER professionals can conduct surveys to gather Information on various topics that may need improvement or to discover areas that need Improvement. Case Study 1

By Matthews reason that contributes to more organizations not implementing HER analytics is a business accounting practices typically treat Human Resource expenditures (I. E. Be considered investments (p. 61). These attitudes have contributed to these misconceptions about HER would be a first step in making the case for HER data, as well as communication between managers and HER, could help pinpoint analysis and cost Justification for HER decisions as is used for other financial, Additionally, HER professionals can conduct surveys to gather information on various topics that may need improvement or to discover areas that need improvement.
