Probability Analysis

Win in the Bottom Right Probability Analysis: Win in Top Left: h Chance Win in Bottom Right: h Chance Lose in Top Right: h Chance Lose In Bottom Right: h Chance Identify The Most and Least Likely Outcomes: The chance of winning and losing are equal In our game. Identify if the probabilities in your game are independent or dependent, explain how you know.

The probabilities in our game are independent, since you only drop one coin in at a it me and you can’t win and lose at the same time, the outcome of one drop will not affect the next d rope. Identify if the probabilities in your game are mutually exclusive or non mutually exclusive, explain how you know.

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The probabilities In our game are mutually exclusive, you cannot win In one quadrant and lose in another at the same time. Based on your probabilities and outcomes, is your game fair? Explain how you know.

Yes, there is a h chance of winning and h chance of losing, classifying it as a fair game Write a paragraph addressing the essential question. We, as designers, can use the probability that we have learned about to ensure fairer ss in games at amusement parks by assessing the probability of winning and losing In said game. Once we have figured out the probability In an amusement park game, we can use the e other knowledge we have learned about in our Math 2 Class this year to ensure that the am
