Respiratory System Study Guide

Respiratory System Study guide: Answer the following, submit through the assignments link as an msword document.

1. What percent of air is oxygen? 20. 5% 2. What is the entire process of gas exchange between atmosphere and body cells called respiration 3. What is the waste product of cells? Cellular respiration ctreating cellular waste products 4.

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What organs are located in the upper respiratory tract? Nose, nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, and upper trachea 5. What organs are in the lower respiratory tract? The lower trachea, brochi, brochioles, alveoli, and lungs 6.

What is the function of the nasal cavity? Warms, moistens, and filters the incoming air. 7. What does mucous do? Provide lubrication and prevent infection 8. What is the function of the larynx? Across the larynx are 2 tiny ridges called vocal cords.

As air flows in from the lungs the vocal cords close together and vibrate creating sounds 9. Which lung is larger, the right or the left? The right lung is bigger, due to the heart being located slightly to the left 10. What is laryngitis? Inflammation of the larynx, typically resulting in huskiness or loss of the voice, harsh breathing, and a painful cough 1. What is a bronchoscopy? A slender tubular instrument used to examine the bronchial tubes. 12. The paranasal sinuses are resonant chambers that affect the quality of voice and function to __reduce the weight of skull and resonant chambers that affect quality of voice_.

13. What is found within the trachea that prevents it from collapsing and blocking the airway? 20 ‘C’-shaped pieces of cartilages 14. What is inspiration? Occurs when pressure inside alveoli decreases and atmospheric ressure is greater 15. What is tidal volume? Amount of air that enter or leaves lungs
