Should Bottled Water Be Banned in Schools?

It’s estimated that 30 billion single-serving bottles of water are gulped down each year in the United State.Some people think that bottled water is good however some people know that bottled water is just purified tap water.I think bottled water should be banned in schools. There are many reasons why bottled water should be banned.

One reason why bottled water should be banned is from knowing that 25% of bottled water is tap.In the CNN video, Most Bottled Water is Tap, one lady said that she was bamboozled and hoodwinked.Another lady said that she would never drink Aquafina after realizing that Aquafina doesn’t come from a spring or reservoir like the brand name says.Another reason why bottled should be banned is because it is bad for the environment.The Mayor from California said in an article Goodbye, Bottled Water “More than one billion plastic water bottles end up in California’s landfill each year, taking 100 years to biodegrade and leaking toxic additives such as phthalates into the groundwater.

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“This quote is showing that plastic water bottles don’t biodegrade as easily.Tap water doesn’t biodegrade at all.The final reason why bottled water should be banned is because some bottled water is expensive.Brands like Fuji cost 8 dollars or more in hotels. On the other hand, some people think that bottled water shouldn’t be banned in schools.

One reason why people think that bottled water shouldn’t be banned in schools is because we should have an opinion whether to drink bottled water or tap.By banning bottled water, it takes away the option to choose their choice of beverage. However, bottled water is too expensive to drink. Most ofthe bottled water is tap and takes 1,000 years to biodegrade. Bottled water also leaks toxic additives into the groundwater, which is where people get their tap water from. As you can see bottled water should be banned in schools.

Bottled water is bad for the environment, expensive and really just glorified tap water.In fact, Martha Coakley already banned bottled water in Concord Massachusetts. We need your help to make sure that bottled water is banned from schools.
