Case Study the Exchange

Find a site on the Web that offers classified ads for horses. Compare this site to Contemporaneousness.

Com in terms of the services offered (the customer value proposition). What does The Exchange offer that other sites do not? Answer : We choose Dreamers. Com to compare the services offered with The Contemporaneousness. Com website. The services offered in Contemporaneousness. Com website and Dreamers.

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Com website as shown in the table below: Service I The Exchange I Dreamers. Com I

Encouraged buyers to fill out a form of their needs and budget Present I Printed booklet, catalog I Present I Present Social media I Present I Present Horses Sold page I Present I Not present I Sale Barn page I Present I Not present I Information of Horses I Present Question 2 In what ways the social media effective in promoting The Exchange brand? Which media led to the highest increase in sales and enquiries? Why? Backbone is the one of social media that led to the highest increase of sales and enquiries.

Backbone has generated 9% of total traffic for The Exchange website. Backbone Is the best and Important for e-commerce sites because ease to determine which outlets that are most effective to reaching the specific buyers. Question 3 Make a list of all the ways The Exchange attempts to personalize its services to both sellers and buyers. * Develops a specific marketing strategy – reviewing information submitted combing through a horse’s official show record, considering impartial impressions, and identifying the most likely buyers.

Make a form – buyers are encouraged to fill a form of their budget and needs so the sellers can comb a listings and make recommendations to match buyers to the horses that are on sale. Website * Use a variety of multi-channel marketing strategies – printed booklet or catalog so the buyers can browse the catalog and link directly for all horses listed. * Use e-mail campaigns, magazines advertising – The Exchange mailed directly to professionals or buyers and distributed horse shows. * Use viral marketing and social media – Egg: IRS feeds, Twitter, Backbone, and

Youth to experienced varying success. * Youth channel’s company provides more control and flexibility that hosts all videos, serves to most smartness without any advertisements.

* Hired respected and well-established Web development company – to take design base and works functional and speed up the production and update processes. * “Sales Horse Filter” – enable shoppers to sort horses by desirable traits, based on price, location, gender, type, and size. * Allow the Web site updated from any devices
