Organizational Behavior Case Study?  Managing Motivation

Based on the five management systems Introduced by Clause, the dependent and Independent variables are as follows: Independent Variable * Age * Tenure Management style * Area * Job satisfaction Dependent Variable * Turnover rate * Sales & Profit * Employees productivity I From above it can be noticed that there are different independent variables that affect the dependent variables.

Age has an impact on the turnover rate, sales and productivity; it has been perceived that older employees are more experienced, can provide better feedback, have a strong work ethic, commitment to quality, lower rate of absence, and are generally more satisfied of their work. But at the same time they lack flexibility and resistance to new technology.

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Tenure is positively related to both productivity and job satisfaction and negatively related to turnover and absenteeism; when age and tenure are treated parallel, tenure is considered a more stable & consistent predictor of job satisfaction than age.

Management Style has also an impact on our dependent variables, the more the employees feel engaged, empowered, participate in decision making (even If It is an Indirect participation), and the more management Is open, fair, transparent, supportive, shares information and provides clear communication messages, interacts with staff; the more the employees are satisfied with their jobs which will eventually lead to less turnover and more productivity.

In addition to above Area as an independent variable contributes to the dependent variables; urban areas are most likely to have a younger force on average, whereas rural areas the workforce Is older In average. Job satisfaction, could be considered either a dependent or an Independent variable depending on the hypothesis. In our case we are considering Job satisfaction as an Independent.

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