What is Business Ethics?

Business ethics case studies allow forming a definition that preachment of commercial activity and entrepreneurial relations is a set of rules that are based on traditional human values and are shared by members of a particular organization and partners of the company. Traditionally, it is based on obeisance for the interests of collaborators of the company, its customers, and partners. It also should be observed by competitors. In this case, it implies the non-use of prohibited or dishonest methods in the struggle for a niche in economics.

Levels of Business Ethics

Case studies in business ethics show that it can be different depending on the country.

However, it has three subordinate hierarchical levels.

The First Level of Commercial activity Ethics

The first level is the global one, and it adjusts the social responsibility of organizations: creating jobs, producing certain benefits, caring for collaborators. It is envisaged in Principles of International Business. This document was adopted in 1994. The essence of the “Principles” is reduced to the social side of the morality of commercial activity (the manager should create good working circs for subordinates, strive to improve the standard of living for clients and society as a whole), improve communication, optimize production methods, obeisance existing international rules and norms, increase customer’s confidence.

Particular attention is paid to ensuring equal rights in competition, obeisance for the surrounding, the rejection of dishonest commercial activity practices. It also includes moral obligations of the enterprise. As for the bidders, the main objective is to ensure maximum uprightness in advertising, to guarantee the high quality of services, to treat with obeisance to every person and the personal dignity of everyone. It also refers to collaborators. The main goal is to ensure decent working circs and a high level of payment, pay attention to labor protection, and give coordinate possibilities and job opportunities to everyone. The duties of suppliers are also provided.

It is important to adhere to the principles of reasonable pricing, aboveboard relations in everything, the exchange of data at the stage of planning mutual cooperation, timely fulfillment of obligations. Investors are also protected by this law. Enterprises are obliged to procure the timely payment of dividends or coupons to holders of shares, to provide access to the necessary data. All companies should be aboveboard to their competitors. The basic principles are obeisance, refusal from dishonest struggle, obeisance for someone else’s property right. Any entrepreneurial decision with obeisance to a competitor should correspond to the unwritten laws of morality.

As for the people, there is the following rule. Companies should ensure obeisance for cultural characteristics and human rights, take part in public life, strive to benefit society.What is Business Ethics?

The Second Level of Business Ethics

The next level is macro level. This sector operates on the scale of the economy of one country or a particular industry.

Such norms are ethical postulates that are implemented in sectoral or national codes. The focus is on the reliability of the data provided, fair competition, obeisance for private property, and the absence of any manifestation of discrimination in the labor market.

The Third Level of Business Ethics

Micro level includes the following principles. There are rights and norms that operate within a particular company. Here ethical principles are built on the basis of affiance, mutual understanding, and uprightness between buyers and suppliers, shareholders and managers of the company, the administration of the enterprise and its collaborators.

Commercial activity Ethics and Moral Philosophy

Analyzing business ethics case studies, it is possible to say that proper conduct of business is relevant not only to a company that occupies a certain niche in the market but also to every business person. This is a set of generally accepted laws, charters, and values. These values are responsibility, uprightness, obeisance, objectivity, legality. Commercial activity moral philosophy is based on obeisance not only their interests but also the interests of partners, customers, colleagues, and collaborators. Ethical deportment will not allow an employee to violate these norms. Preachment of business or corporate moral philosophy is designed to monitor the deportment of company collaborators, business participants, partners; it adjusts the rules and regulations established by the organization.

 Business ethics case study analysis allows highlighting the main goal and task of business moral philosophy. The goal is to provide guarantees and endorsement of the company and its parts. And the task is to adjust the relationship of the entrepreneur with partners, collaborators, clients, the state and compliance with ethical standards of conduct.

Corporate Business Preachment

Every company has its own corporate standards. In a civilized world, ethical norms and laws are a habitual part of life and work in the office also requires certain skills to communicate with people and establish contacts.

The leadership should monitor the ethical norms prevailing in the team. The manager should perceive the collaborators of his company as individual persons, with their rights and dignity because the effectiveness of the work depends on the discipline and relationships in the team. Corporate moral philosophy strengthens self-discipline and self-organization of collaborators. Touching the emotional state of a person, the boss will not get good performance and productivity from the employee. Corporate ethics is increasingly being introduced into the organization of business, and companies that do not comply with ethical standards quickly fall apart.Formation of certain rules in the team takes a lot of time.

The absence of rules and regulations has a negative impact on the work of collaborators and, consequently, on the extension of the company as a whole. Ethical norms are common and private. General principles of preachment are formed by their generally accepted norms of morality and deportment. Private ones are typical for one particular company.

Business Ethics Dilemmas

Business ethics dilemmas case studies show that one of the main problems in business preachment is the relationship between partners, which consist of fulfilling duties and obligations, compliance with contract circs, uprightness, obeisance, correctness, affiance, etc.

Mutual affiance and security are important components of a successful business. It is even more difficult to observe ethical standards in the fight against competitors. Competition should be fair, based on existing laws. The conduct of unfair competition will negatively affect the reputation of the company, which, accordingly, will reduce the number of clients and partners. 
