Business Essays

Lena Livin Life: What you don't know

Sometimes we choose to ignore all the darkness in the world because the sunshine is just so damn pretty. Sometimes people think its okay to forget all that’s wrong with the world, so they can live their life to the very fullest. I, however don’t. I understand it, but I don’t believe in it. I […]

Glister and Gold

First published in 1884, “The Necklace” is Guy de Maupassant’s most famous work of short fiction. As the story of a bourgeois beauty who longs for material wealth and position among the elite, it encapsulates the consumeristic ideals of the Belle Epoque in the vain and avaricious character of Mathilde Loisel. Ultimately, it is Mathilde’s […]

The Effect of Discrimination in Maya Angelou’s “Graduation” and Rachel Swir

The topic of discrimination is intricate, controversial, and multifaceted. It is the weapon of bigotry, and targets people for belonging to a certain group, be it based on gender, religion, race, or something else. It can be explicit, implicit, emotional, physical, or verbal. Discrimination is a popular social issue today; those who discuss it examine […]

Langston Hughes

Langston Hughes was a great writer for the civil rights movement. A movement in which blacks and whites were separated and were not equal to one another. Blacks and whites had unequal job opportunities, blacks were looked down upon by whites and were treated like less of people than the whites. Langston Hughes was a […]

Types of Education Impacting People with Mental Disabilities

Education is the vehicle that allows for students to accomplish their dreams. It is deeply influential as it encompasses the majority of one’s early years, and continues throughout life. This subsequently allows for an accumulation of knowledge, which provides skills leading to success. Thus, education is essential to life and necessary for every human being. […]

The Effects of Stereotyping

Stereotyping is a major problem in today’s society and is present in most places, if not everywhere, in the world. To stereotype someone means to put an oversimplified image on a person, typically pertaining to race, gender, and culture. These types of insults commonly have a lasting, negative impact on the victim and can result […]

The Call of the Void

I examined what was laid out in front of my eyes: the carefully planned grid of the city, the cozy donut shops weaving between offices, a path laid out to the lakeshore. Between my toes walked the ant-sized pedestrians, on their way to work, oblivious to my observance. I stood in a completely glass box, […]

Video game Violence Research

Opinion: Violent video games may cause children young and old to become violent! Fact: Violent video games can make a child young and old become smarter than you think! Stayingand playing violent video games do not affect the child’s aggression towards the other children.People believe that children that play violent games causes them to act […]

The Future of Medicine

It is three o’clock on a Friday morning. Imagine waiting in the snow outside of the mall doors for three hours, hoping to be the first to receive the new iPad. Has this ever been you? As teens, we are obsessed with new technology the moment it is released, whether it is a new Apple […]

The Story of a Fighter

Gabrielle Giffords is a gun control activist and a politician. She was born on June 18, 1970. Tucson, Arizona is where she was born and grown up. Her parents are Spencer J. and Gloria Kay Frazer Giffords. She graduated from Scripps College and Cornell University. She was a member of the Arizona House of Representatives […]

Behind the Man: Adolf Hitler

We have all heard of the horrible, cruel deeds of Adolf Hitler while he was in power, but how much do you know about the man himself? From his normal childhood in Austria, to his rise to political power and eventual suicide in a bunker surrounded by soviets, there is much to learn about the […]

The Death Penalty Free Essay Example

Did you know that the United states is the only “G7” country that still allows the death penalty as punishment? Since 1977, 141 countries have abolished the death penalty. Why haven’t we? The death penalty is an inhumane act of punishment and should be completely abolished in the 31 states in the U.S that still […]

The Healing Powers of Nature

When faced with an illness, the first thing people turn to is the modern pharmacy. Hazardous chemicals disguised in the form of tiny, harmless capsules are then prescribed for the frail to consume and take into their bodies in hopes of becoming healed. However, a crucial criticism remains- is the disappearance of several indicators of […]

Sonya Sones is an Extremely Creative Author

Sonya Sones is an extremely creative author, who writes inspiring novels. What My Girlfriend Doesn’t Know is just the sequel to her most famous book, What My Mother Doesn’t Know. It is truly an honor to write about her. Sonya Sones was born in Boston, Massachusetts and raised in Newton, Massachusetts. Growing up in the […]


My purpose is to predict the number of calories per cookie based on the amount of saturated fat (g) per cookie. The scatterplot shows there is a strong positive association between the amount of saturated fat per cookie (x) and the number of calories per cookie (y). This observation is confirmed by the value of […]

Fireside Poets

The Romantic Period was a special time in writing history were the authors had a connection to nature and emphasized the importance of the imagination. Three of these poems are “A Psalm of Life” and “The Tide Rises, The Tide Falls” by Henry Longfellow and “The First Snowfall”, by James Lowell. All three of these […]

The Impact that Grief has on Actions

The only way someone can overcome grief is by speaking up or standing up for himself or herself. Grief can cause people to be hesitant to open themselves up and allow their emotions to be shown the other people or even to themselves. The process of grieving has a life-changing impact for some people who […]

My favorite show the originals

If like shows like Once Upon A Time which is all about the family, and the amazingly deep world of The Vampire Diaries then the CW’s The Originals is just for you. The Originals is The Vampire Diaries spin off show, for those who think that spin offs aren’t ever as good as the originals […]

Vacation Disaster

A hot summer day in July, the sound of screaming kids, the buzzing of go-carts, and the racket of roller coasters in the background. Usually the summer weekend trips to Okoboji are all fun and games, but this time, it was an awful weekend. It all began with a Saturday afternoon drive up to Okoboji. […]

Bury My Heart At Wounded Knee by Dee Brown

American History; Retold from the West “The Whites told only one side. Only his own best deeds, only the worst deeds of the Indians, has the white man told” (qtd in Brown 316). The story of America’s founding has always been taught and thought of as a white man’s story. From Columbus in 1492 up […]

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou also known as Marguerite Johnson’s, hard work has brought her to becoming famous on a talk show, leading her to being on other tv shows as well. Born on April 04, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri, yet seen on tv once and became an actress herself. Winning several oscars and became a guest […]

Spirit Days Create Controversy

Homecoming is something many people look forward too, the dress up days, the pep rallies, the homecoming game and of course the homecoming dance. This year however was a bit of a let down when it comes to school spirit. The start of the new year is always a drab, no more carefree days of […]

Tim Burton

Tim Burton. One of the greatest producers/directors of our time. He has worked with people like Johnny Depp, Danny Elfman, Walt Disney and many more. Mr. Burton has given many must see halloween classics like The Nightmare Before Christmas, Edward Scissorhands, and Beetlejuice. He has also given us classics like Pee-wee’s Big Adventure, and Batman. […]

Why I want to be a comedian

Why I want to be a Comedian “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” This quote was from Steven Martin, a famous comedian during the early 1970’s. Comedians are professionals who make a living by making the public laugh(“Comedian Job Description | AllAboutCareers”).Comedians have humored people for decades for almost sixty years to now. They […]

Pesticide Usage,

Pesticide usage is a topic of great controversy. It started with a book called Silent Spring by Rachel Carson. This book said a pesticide called Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT)was destroying the environment, and claimed that in the future DDT would cause mass extinctions of birds. This evolved into a controversy over the usage of other pesticides, with […]

Things Fall Apart: A Biblical Journey in African Literature

“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1. “Okonkwo was well known throughout the nine villages and even beyond. His fame rested on solid personal achievements.” Achebe, Chinua. “Turning and turning in the widening gyre” Yeats, W.B.. What, you may ask yourself, do these three quotes have in common? They are […]

Feminism in Updike's "A&P"

“You could see them, when Queenie’s white shoulders dawned on them, kind of jerk, or hop, or hiccup, but their eyes snapped back to their own baskets and on they pushed” (Updike 2). John Updike’s “A;P” demonstrates through several methods the strain that unwritten principle can place on women in their search for individuality and […]

Sino-Japanese Territorial Dispute

Relations between China and Japan are suffering as a direct result of the recent territorial dispute over a chain of islands in the East China Sea. Sovereignty over the seven squared kilometers’ worth of land, called the Diaoyu islands in China and the Senkaku in Japan, would yield valuable gases, pools of fish, and strategic […]

The yellow wallpaper Free Essay Example

Strength is what a women needs to get through her entire life. There are so many males out there that control Females, but only for one reason. That reason is because they think they all women are weak. A misogynistic male is a guy that not thinks he has control, but knows he has control […]

Cell Phones in School: Embracing Technology More in the Modern Classroom

Wouldn’t school administrators want to embrace more technology in classrooms rather than try to exclude it? iPads, Smartboards, and overhead projectors are just some of the improvements schools have added to their classes. Some schools in our area even allow their students to have their cell phones out during school. Most teachers probably have rules […]