Newspaper Report
Academy of Higher Learning 2012-2014 Project Report On Business Research Of Newspaper Reading Habits & Interest Submitted To: Submitted By: Dr. Veena Dutta Abhi Mishra Abhishek Parwal Akash Sharma2 Neeraj Nagori Saurabh Parwal Sandeep Gupta PrefaceThis project is a part of Post Graduation Diploma in Management, academic year 2012-14. The project gives us an opportunity to study the reading habits and interest among the newspaper readers. It also helps us to understand the choices made by the readers regarding newspaper selection.
The project is based on READING HABITS AND READING INTEREST. The major concern regarding this study was studying the customer habits and preferences. This project helps us knowing the difference in reading habits of readers, there interest, keeping in mind the different age group.The report is an outgrowth of our study in concern to our subject Business Research. Keeping in view the importance of Research. An attempt has been made to examine the reader’s interest and habits.
It also contains the brief description of brand preferences and newspaper reading habits. Acknowledgement “Debts can be certainly repaid, but cooperation extended and the guidance given by someone can never be repaid. ” It was a great pleasure to have a small but precisions time in working with this with project. We take this pportunity to extend our gratitude towards all those people who have directly or indirectly contributed to this project. We the student of IILM-AHL are very grateful to the entire respondent for providing us the bases to complete this project.
We deeply express our gratitude to Dr. Veena Dutta, for giving us the maximum co-operation without which, the project would have been impossible. Content * Executive summary * Introduction * Problem Statement * Objective * Rational of Study * Research Methodology * Questionnaire * Data Analysis ;amp; Findings Recommendation ;amp; Coclusion Executive Summary In this project, we have tried to study the reading habits and interest of readers. To be more precise we have penned down to know the brand preferences and readers interest, so that we can evaluate choice of newspaper selection and the interest sections. This project report would help us to know the selection criteria for newspaper and customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction behind it. It contains detailed information regarding data collection process, sample size and following information.
In the starting of the project there is a brief introduction given on the report topic, followed by the entire research details and constraints. And at the end there is a conclusion given on the learning’s that have been gained by us from this information collection task. Introduction Title: A Study On The Reading Habits & Interests Among Newspaper Readers The research is been conducted to Study the Reading Habits & Interests Among Newspaper Readers. Under this research the habits and taste and prefrence of customers are being studied.The reseach serves two purpose first, to check the people are habits towards newspaper reading and secondly which newspaper and which section of the newspaper attracts them the most. Under this study data is being collected from the responedent, a number of 45 repondent are being questioned on their habits and interests, through means of questionaire.
And qualitative measures are taken to study the data, and found out the reason behind likes and dislikes of respondent. Respondents are divided into different age group, to keep the data prescribed and short to deal.Problem Statement * Study the reason behind newspaper selection. * To study the liked and disliked sections in newspaper * To study the time given for reading newspaper * To study the number of newspaper read by each individual depending upon the age group. * To study the medium most preferred for reading.
Objective * The objective of our study is to find out the Reading Habits of the Reader. * To identify the reading interest they have regarding Newspaper Selection. * Keeping in mind the Different Age Group of Readers. * To identify the Brand Preference of Newspaper Readers.KEYWORDS Customer Habits : * Is the study of individual, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, and dispose of products, services, experience, or idea to satisfy needs and The impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society. Reading Habits : * The creation of a strong desire to read.
Customer Preferences: * Customers are informed and reminderd about the product and are requested and persuaded to purchase Their product. Brand Preferences : * The degree to which consumer prefers one brand over another. The extent to which a consumer makes purchasing decisions based on brand name rather than the quality of a product or price. Rational Of Study The findings of this study take the industry’s understanding of readership beyond “what” people read, into how and why they read, how they react and interact with the newspaper, and how they feel about it all. Producing a newspaper is more than just providing discrete pieces of news and information, and associated pieces of service, but creating an overall engaging experience for the consumer.For instance, newspapers that give readers “something to talk about” with colleagues, friends and family create a positive experience and encourage a readership habit.
If they could intensify that experience, the research suggests, they could enhance readership. Conversely, if readers feel that the newspaper contributes to their sense of being overwhelmed by news, they tend to read less. If newspapers could minimize that experience, and provide ways to help people manage what they perceive as a flood of information, they could enhance readership.If motivating experiences are significantly improved by major changes to content, service, brand and marketing, readership should improve. And there is plenty of room for improvement: while readers report having many positive experiences, they tend to be only moderately positive. Intentionally or not, every newspaper creates a variety of experiences for its readers.
Understanding the experience of current readers — especially lighter readers — is the first step to make it much better. Research Methodology Method of Data Collection.What is Primary data: Primary data is original research data in its raw form, without any analysis or processing. This data provides a wealth of information for researchers. This data can contain results from empirical testing, transcripts of interviews and surveys, and recorded observations. Primary Data Collection: The data is collected through primary sources, in which people are interviewed through questionnaire.
* Questionnaire Method (structured): A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of a series of questions and other prompts for the purpose of gathering information from respondents.In this research Questionnaires are build which includes both open ended and close ended. Sample Size: Age Group| Sample Size| 18-30| 15| 30-45| 15| 45-60| 15| Questionnaire 1. Age group. _____________ * 18-30 * 30-45 * 45-60 2.
Gender * Male * Female 3. Occupation/Profession * Student * Self- Employed * Business Man * Shopkeeper * Job 4. Income(per month) * Below 10000 * 10000-20000 * 20000-30000 * 30000-40000 * 40000-50000 * Above 50000 5. Do you have the habit of reading newspaper? * Yes * No 6. If yes, then how frequently do you read it? * 15 min * 30 min * 45 min * More than an hour .
Which newspaper do you read? * Rajasthan Patrika * Danik Bhaskar * Economics Times * The Hindu * DNA * Hindustan Times * Other if please specify 8. Number of newspaper do you read? * 1 * 2 * 3 * 3+ 9. Which language of newspaper do you prefer? * Hindi * English * Regional 10. Which sections do you like the most? * General * Business * Political * Sports * Economic * Entertainment * Articles * Local News * Other 11. In_ _ _ _ _ (a choice of newspaper) which did you most admire ;amp; why? 12. In_ _ _ _ _ (a choice of newspaper) which did you most (any negative reaction) and ;amp; why? 13.
What is the medium do you use? * E-paper * Physical Paper Data Analysis ;amp; Findings Fig1: Number of Newspaper read by different age group Interpretation * Under the age group of 18-30, respondent are more inclined towards reading one or two newspaper, they are least interested in reading more than three newspaper. * In the age group lying between 30-45, respondent are more habitual towards reading two newspaper and less towards 3+ newspaper. * Under the age group 45-60, respondents are more interested in reading two newspapers, and an equal majority towards reading one and more than three.Fig2: Language Preference Interpretation: * The age group of 18-30, prefer reading English newspaper rather than Hindi or any other Regional Language * The age group of 30-45, prefer reading English and a little interest towards Hindi language, and a very little ratio towards Regional Language. * Under 45-60 age group, respondent are more interested in reading Hindi newspaper than, English or Regional Language.
Fig3: Medium used for reading newspaper. Interpretation: * All the age group are more inclined towards reading physical form of newspaper rather than E-paper. Fig4: Newspaper SelectionInterpretation According to the survey, the preferred choice of newspaper at different age group is been studied. According to the analysis following conclusions can be drawn: * Under the age group of 18-30, the most preferred newspaper is Times of India. And the least preferred newspaper is DNA, on overall basis all the newspapers are equally read by the respondents falling under the age group of 18-30 * In the age group of 30-45, the most read newspaper is Rajasthan Patrika. And the least read newspaper is DNA.
After Rajasthan Partrika this age group seems to have more interest in Dainik Bhaskar. Under the age group of 45-60, readers are more interested in reading Rajasthan Patrika, and the least interested newspapers are The Hindu, DNA, and Hindustan Times. This age group is more admired towards Rajasthan Patrika and Dainik Bhaskar. Fig5: Sections Most Admired Interpretation: * Under the age group of 18-30, respondents are more inclined towards reading General News, and are least interested in reading Local News. They have an average interest towards Business, Entertainment, and Sports and a minimum interest towards Political and Article Sections. Age group of 30-45 are more interested in reading Business, General, and Sports news and have an equal interest towards Articles and Entertainment sections and partially interested in reading Political, Economic, and Local News.
* The age group of 45-60 are more interested in reading Political and Local news rather than core interest towards Sports and Economic news. They have an equal related interest towards Business and General News and a minimum percentage have interest towards Articles and Entertainment. Recommendations ;amp; ConclusionThis completion of project work compelled us to know the different habits and preferences associated with newspaper selection. It also gave us the privilege to communicate with different people and their suggestions on newspaper habits. Gathering information from them, we realised how their liking and disliking and adds value to the buying of newspaper. The limitation faced during this project work was qualitative response from respondent, as their words play a major role in our research work.
To conclude it was a very good experience for all of us.