Business Essays

Relationship between success in the classroom and on the field

I am writing to you today to inform you of the constant struggle of student athletes in the modern age concerning being able to both get good grades and thrive in sports. I am a student athlete, and growing up I was always told that school comes first. Although there are some student athletes that […]

A Giant Named Civil Rights

In the 1950’s, a sleeping giant was brutally awoken and would continue to rage on into the 1960’s. Civil rights for African-Americans had been put into place approximately between seventy and eighty years prior to when the movement began in the 1950’s. Because a movement cannot take place over night, the 1950’s served as the […]

The Syrian Refugee Crisis

The United States was built upon the simple phrase in the Declaration of Independence, stating that everyone has the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”. From the Revolutionary War, where we fought for our independence, to World War I, where we joined forces with other countries for what we thought was right, […]

Healthy, Ethical, Real Fast Food

Fast food is an ever-changing market. From when it started in 1921, composed mainly of shakes and burgers, it has evolved to the present, where franchises battle for the cheapest, tastiest, and biggest meals. But now another approach to fast food is being considered; can fast food be good for the consumer, made with real […]

The cost of the modern age

” It has become appaligngly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity. ” Albert Einstein. This was written back in the mid 20th century, back when computers were a thought of science fiction writters and calculators were not used for simple mathmatics. Addressing this we face a question – to turn off our screens […]

Bystanders, Bullies, and Victims Oh My!

90% of 4th – 8th graders report of being victims of bullies. This number has grown for years and years way too much. Today, cell phones and public websites are being abused to bully kids and adults from a distance. Bullying has been one of the biggest problems in the United States for way too […]

It's a Positive Life

“It’s more than the negative that you’re going to die, it’s also the positive that you understand you’re going to die, and that you live a better life because of it . . . if you’ve found meaning in your life, you don’t want to go back.” ~ Morrie (118) Tuesdays with Morrie tells the […]

Sensationalist Media

“Lindsey Lohan: Out on Parole,” and “Charlie Sheen Back in Rehab. ” These are examples of the headlines currently selling newspapers and magazines. Sensationalism (subject matter, language, or style producing or designed to produce startling or thrilling impressions) has become the most prominent asset in American media. I believe that the nation has lost sight […]

School: Sucking Out Happiness?

Most high school students’ minds revolve around the same things: a high GPA, good grades, college, and getting a good career. All of this sounds great, but is this really what the high school experience is all about? Countless hours of homework, studying, and little sleep shouldn’t be the sole concern of children. The fact […]

The Atomic Bomb

The decision leading up to the U. S. bombing Japan, regardless of the consequences post-attack, was focused on the tensions between the Pacific and U.S. and major events leading to the termination of WW2. Such war incidents, like the Pearl Harbor Bombing, impassioned the United States into a hostile state of Japanese sentiment, embittering the […]

Why Bullying in the Modern World is Worse

For all the benefits of the internet, there are many pitfalls; we can catch up on the latest movies and TV but piracy is encouraged, we can chat to our friends but our privacy is compromised. Where are the lines drawn? 30 years ago, if someone did something stupid that would be it. They would […]

The Three C’s of Bilingual Benefits

When it comes to education, the topic of foreign languages lies at the forefront of many discussions. While some countries, such as Korea, Japan, and China have already implemented language education policies, America is still hesitant to follow suit. This country, being a world superpower, crucially needs a population equipped with the ability to connect […]

From Goal to Goal to Goal

So summer has officially started. .. School’s done and it’s time to relax, whether that be through outings with friends or becoming the couch potato you long to become all year round.Summer also tends to commence the fight for that “bikini body” yet again.In fact, summer diets have become one of the most common summer […]

Why not safe driving?

“Lol! lol! hahahahah…. So what’s up?” and “Hallo! How are you doing?” these type of messages kept coming at my IPhone. I did not reply to them because I was driving. Yes! I am considered being old fashioned, not texting while driving. I had recently watched a TV show regarding the major accidents that are […]

Should Standardized Testing Evaluate Teachers?

Many states have adopted a new evaluation system for teachers and principals largely based on student test scores. This is often because people see teachers as being paid too much for a short work day, which ends much earlier than other jobs. However, this is because teachers begin work earlier than these jobs. Most educators […]


The pressure of trying to have a healthy body is so straining. Physically, it’d take about two months if one is in shape but very persistent, but mentally the mindset must remain for a lifetime. Honestly, I can only do about half of the things to maintain a desirable body. I constantly want to work […]

college entrance essay

It’s the first day of freshman year, and I just moved to Hartland from West Allis about a month ago. I have zero friends. A cute boy I have never talked to walks up to me during lunch and asks me to go to homecoming with him. I don’t know anything about him, but he […]

Movies Changed My Life

When I was younger we didn’t have much for things but I was still happy with what we did have. My mom had a job but my step dad at the time did not and he was quite mean and wouldn’t let us come out of our room so we stayed in our room and […]

Malala is an Inspiration

The author of The Day my World Changed, Malala Yousafzani, is a young girl who lived in Pakistan. She strongly believed that women should be given an education, especially in her home country of Pakistan.The Taliban is a Muslim fundamentalist movement that took control over much of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They did not believe that […]

The Two Sides of the Berlin Wall

The Berlin wall, no matter what side of the wall you were in life was not the best. so what was life like on each side? The west side was the good side and the east was the bad, but both were not good when you were separated from your family and friends. in this […]

Cons of Videogames

Whenever I have free time or I’m done with my homework, I play some innocent video games to to relax and entertain myself, but games vary. Whether they are harmless like Candy Crush or Minecraft, or violent gaming like COD (Call Of Duty) or Mortal Combat. Brutal games like these impact our imagination in the […]


There is something devastating about a body moving through space. Every action is calculated: synapses firing, muscles contracting, lungs expanding with breath. In the dance studio, my back folds and blooms. Arms sheer the air like machetes, striking on beat. I feel the floor even through my shoes, my toes reaching into the ground, roots […]

Fredrick Douglass

Fredrick Douglass was born on February 1818. He lived with his grandmother, Betty Bailey. His mother died when Fredrick was 10 years old. When Fredrick was 12 years old he had gotten separated from his grandmother. He was taken to the Wye House plantation where Aaron Anthony worked as his over seer. After Anthony died […]

Oscar Wilde Quote

Throughout his writing career, Oscar Wilde has created a very large amount of inspirational and multi-meaning quotes. One of my favorites is “The difference between literature and journalism is that journalism is unreadable and literature is unread. ” The main reason I enjoy this statement so much is because I believe that it has two […]

School Start Time Too Early??

She sat there with her eyes half closed staring at the video about black death in history class. She obviously hadn’t had enough sleep the night before. Or gotten up early for school. She said ” I went to bed at a normal time, but I am not a big fan of getting up at […]

Evolution as a Nation

Martin Luther King once said, “Freedom is never given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed. ” Through the evolution of mankind a common trait of humans is to oppress one another for their own benefit. From slavery in the 1800’s to women’s rights in the in the 1920’s to present day […]

If Gatsby Were a Girl

You know how it goes. Your English teacher pulls a stack of books off the shelf; everyone groans another book that no one wants to read. Well, if that book happens to be Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby”, you’re in luck. “The Great Gatsby” is a book that almost all teen girls can relate to. Jay […]

Should the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) be Resc

Although some people believe that the STAAR assessment shouldn’t be canceled, you will see why we should examine the more immensely colossal picture and rescind it. The question everyone’s asking is if the STAAR should or shouldn’t be. I know how much people care about keeping the STAAR assessment and I agree with them to […]


Dreams are probably the strangest things that come with human life. Some are extremely weird or scary, or just plain stupid. Most dreams don’t make sense, but sometimes they make too much sense. Even though dreaming is a normal part of every person’s life, no one pays attention to where they come from or what […]

"Mirror, Mirror on the wall, [She's the craziest] of them all"

When thinking of a murderers all around the world, one would think of all different types of people; but one would never dare to think that a petite, secluded woman like Miss Emily would be capable of polishing off anyone. In the short story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, not only the town, […]